You Can Fight Nail Fungus Naturally With 3 Ingredients

This treatment takes at least two months, but it can take up to a whole year to fight the nail fungus completely.
You can fight nail fungus naturally with 3 ingredients

Nail fungus is also called onychomycosis and can come from ringworm, yeast or mold.  These microorganisms grow easily in hot, humid environments. You can fight nail fungus naturally with 3 ingredients, read more below.

Nail fungus, or tinea unguium, is the very common disorder that is estimated to affect between 3 and 4 percent of the global population. It affects nails on both feet and hands, although the feet are most common, especially in men. The nails will turn yellow as well as thick and the skin around the nail will become red and inflamed.

What is really disturbing is if the nail remains untreated, it can result in complete loss of the nail. For this reason, it is really vital to keep a close eye on the condition of your nails and seek treatment at the first sign of nail fungus.

Below we will reveal  a complete natural solution that uses only three ingredients to fight nail fungus and save the nail.

Try it today!

Treatment to fight nail fungus naturally

You can fight nail fungus naturally with this treatment that contains antifungals which destroy the microorganisms that cause the infection in the nail.

The treatment takes a minimum of two months in most cases, but may need to be continued for up to 8-12 months to finally fight the nail fungus and restore the nail.

From the start, it is important that you understand that patience pays off when these funds are used. The treatment will not give immediate results and requires persistent use. 

This product is made with ingredients such as hydrogen peroxide, 90% ethanol and white vinegar. These ingredients are known for their natural antifungal and antiseptic content, which treat various types of injuries and skin diseases. 

Benefits of hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is used to disinfect wounds  due to its powerful antibacterial effect.

It has one more oxygen atom than water and is normally sold at most pharmacies as a 3% solution.

There is  an environmentally friendly disinfectant that oxidizes to kill the pathogen.

Using it on toenails destroys yeast and ringworm which cause the infection.

Benefits of 90% ethanol

Ethanol is distilled for medicinal use and can be found in almost all first aid kits. It is a disinfectant that can be used for skin damage.

It has been proven to be effective against most bacteria and fungi, but not against bacterial spores.

It has been used cosmetically in manicures and pedicures to combat nail fungus and to disinfect the necessary tools.

Benefits of white vinegar

White vinegar

The acidic composition of white vinegar has been used since ancient times in the fight against fungal infections of the skin. It is a good antiseptic and antifungal able to treat onychomycosis also known as athlete’s foot.

Its use reduces itching and yellowing,  as well as unsightly hard skin that makes your feet look ugly.

How do I prepare this nail fungus remedy naturally?

bowl with mixture ready for nail treatment

Now that we know what is in this remedy, the next step is to prepare it so that we can begin the treatment.


  • 5 tablespoons 90% ethanol
  • 5 tablespoons hydrogen peroxide
  • 2 tablespoons white vinegar


  • 1 glass bowl


  • Combine the ethanol and hydrogen peroxide in the glass bowl.
  • Add the white vinegar and stir to mix it all.
  • Cover and store the mixture in a cool, dry place.
  • Wash the infected nail and dry them lightly with a towel.
  • Use a smart solution by using a cotton ball
  • If the nail is really thick, carefully fill the surface and then use the solution.
  • Use twice daily

For this best result , disinfect your shoes, socks and anything else that has been in contact with your infected nail (s).

Are you ready to fight nail fungus naturally with our tips?

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