Why Bread Is Not Good For You

Consumption of white bread can be just as harmful as consumption of excessive amounts of sugar, so if you do not want to stop eating it, choose healthier alternatives.
Why bread is not good for you

In recent years, warnings related to regular bread consumption have increased. Although bread has been consumed since ancient times,  today there are many reasons why bread is not good for you.

The basic recipe is made with refined wheat flour, water and salt; This, added to the preservatives from some industries, does not make it the best nutritional solution.

In fact, due to its high carbohydrate content , it is not recommended as part of our diet, especially if our goal is to lose weight. Eating bread every day can make you overweight and can cause other metabolic diseases.

Are there more reasons to limit one’s consumption of bread? Of course! While it may be harmless to eat it in small amounts, excessive bread consumption can cause several adverse reactions in the body.

Find out why!

Why bread is not good for you

White bread is bad

Bread, especially the industrial white kind, is not a nutritious food. During the refining process it undergoes, it loses many of its properties as wheat germ and bran are removed.

The result is a product with a low level of fiber, vitamins and minerals that, due to its high concentration of starch, can prevent digestion and metabolism from working optimally.

Although it is not correct to remove all carbohydrates from food, sources of flour, such as bread, are probably the worst option.

It contains a lot of sodium

Excessive sodium consumption can lead to some health complications. The most worrying thing is that more than 77% of the amount consumed comes from processed foods, among which bread is included.

This refined food can come with added phosphate and sodium bicarbonate, which in excess can cause fluid retention and arterial hypertension.

  • Industrial white bread can contain up to 19 grams of salt per. kilos, which is about 4.7 grams per. 250 grams bar.
  • According to data from the World Health Organization (WHO), the maximum dose of salt is 5 grams per day. person pr. day.

It has a high glycemic index

White bread is a fast-burning food with a high glycemic index. This is because it is not consumed properly as an energy source as it reduces insulin and produces high blood sugar rises.

Its effects on the body are compared to those produced by white sugar : it raises glucose, affects thyroid function and produces metabolic disorders such as diabetes and makes you overweight.

It contains a lot of gluten


The wheat that bread is made with contains too much gluten. This blend of proteins facilitates the fermentation of food, making it more elastic, spongy and appetizing.

The problem is that many people have a sensitive digestive system that cannot process gluten properly.

  • Gluten intolerance or celiac disease causes abdominal pain, diarrhea, gastroesophageal reflux and inflammatory disorders.

How can you reduce your bread consumption?

Since bread is not good for you, it may be good to remove bread from your diet. However, it can be difficult for those who usually incorporate it in several ways into their regular diet. However, given the risks involved , it is good to start taking some measures to minimize consumption.

Replace the bread

Even healthy bread sold in the supermarket can be a significant source of calories if consumption is not moderated. For this reason, it is best to look for other sources of carbohydrates to replace bread in your diet.

  • There are many alternative recipes to avoid the refined flour in traditional recipes. Wrapping sandwiches with green vegetables or making pizzas with cauliflower dough are some examples.

Look for options with 100% whole grains

Wholemeal bread

Bread made from whole grains contains more properties and nutrients than white bread can provide. Although it is usually a little more expensive, it is a healthy option that can be regularly incorporated into your diet.

  • But be careful… There are some types of bread that are not 100% whole grains. It is important to check the labels to determine if they have this property in its entirety or if they are combined with refined flour.

Why bread is not good for you – not even when you eat out

There are many restaurants that serve bread baskets as an accompaniment to their meals. To avoid consumption, an ideal option would be to ask the waiter not to remove it on the table.

How often do you eat bread? Which variety do you choose? Now that you know the negative effects, try to find other healthier foods to replace it.

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