What To Do If You Have Low Platelet Level

Platelets are responsible for the coagulation of the blood. If the platelet count is low, it can be due to many different reasons. In this article, we will tell you what to do in this situation.
Do this if you have a low platelet count

A low platelet level is something that can worry you, and it can obviously make you worry if there is something wrong with your body.

But do not be afraid. The body recognizes when you have a low platelet level and it tries to respond quickly to it.

In this article, we provide some information on what to do if you have a low platelet count.

What are platelets?

Platelets are cells that form part of the blood and play a role in coagulation. Because of this , it is important to find out why your platelet count is out of the normal range. The normal range is between 150,000 and 450,000 per. cubic millimeters.

Certain viral infections, such as Dengue, Chikungunya, or AIDS, may be responsible for altering platelet counts. Some blood conditions such as cirrhosis, lack of vitamin B12 or use of any medication may affect your number.

Signs that you have a low platelet level

Determining that there is a change in the number of platelets is only something a doctor can do. But the body can give some warning signs that can help you detect it early.

Unusual fatigue

Woman with headache

One of the first signs that you have a low platelet count is feeling very tired for no apparent reason.

Worse yet, you feel tired every day and all day long. This in turn can affect your appetite.

Rash and bruising

The next sign that you may have a low platelet count is the appearance of skin rashes. These tend to be found on the back, abdomen and arms.

You can easily distinguish them due to their round shape and reddish-purple color.

When the platelet count is out of the normal range, bruising can occur easily even if you have not received any strokes.

Muscle pain

Person with knee problems

Another indicator that can come with a low platelet count is sharp muscle pain and difficulty moving.

This tends to be accompanied by fatigue and weakness in general.

What should you do if you have a low platelet count?

If you suffer from the above symptoms, go to a specialist who will be able to perform the necessary tests. Once it has been determined that you have a low platelet count and your doctor has given you instructions, the next best thing you can do is adopt a healthy diet.

Eat foods rich in iron such as spinach, lentils, liver, mussels, cranberries, blackberries and bean sprouts.

Also include foods like red pepper, grapefruit, oranges, strawberries and coconut water, which are important sources of vitamins A, B, C, D and K.

Recipes for restoring platelet count

Below, we take a look at some recipes that work to increase the absorption of nutrients that help on your platelet count.

Iron-rich Smoothie

Fresh fruits - low platelet level


  • 5 ripe guavas (450 g)
  • 1 red pepper (200 g)
  • 1 cup mineral water or boiled water (250 ml)


  • Wash the guavas and peppers.
  • Chop the guavas into medium-sized pieces without peeling them.
  • Chop the pepper and discard the seeds.
  • Add them all in a blender and add water. Dilute well.
  • Pour and serve.

Drink a glass of this drink in the morning, one in the afternoon and again in the evening.

Nutritious salad


  • 1 carrot (300 g)
  • 1 beetroot (300 g)
  • 8 stalks broccoli (400 g)
  • 1 red pepper (200 g)
  • 2 colorful spinach (120 g)
  • 2 bundles watercress (120 g)
  • 1 garlic, crushed (5 g)
  • 1 tbsp. of whole or crushed nuts (100 g)
  • Lemon juice (50 ml)
  • 2 tbsp. olive oil (30 ml)
  • A pinch of salt (10 g)


  • Clean all the vegetables well.
  • Peel the beets and carrots and chop them into medium-sized pieces.
  • Put them in a pan with boiling water along with the broccoli and cook it for 5 minutes (this helps preserve their vitamins and proteins).
  • Drain the water and immerse the vegetables in cold water.
  • Chop the beets and carrots into smaller pieces and place them in a bowl.
  • Cut the pepper into strips and add it to the beetroot and carrot.
  • Roughly chop the spinach and watercress and add them to the bowl.
  • Add the rest of the ingredients: lemon juice, crushed garlic, olive oil, nuts and salt to taste.
  • Mix it together and serve.

It is very important that you do not medicate yourself. Doctors will prescribe you a proper treatment. But you can compliment it with some home remedies.

Make sure you get enough iron, vitamins and other nutrients to avoid a low platelet level. In addition to being part of a balanced diet, it is also good for the prevention and cure of a wide range of diseases.

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