What Is The Difference Between Sadness And Depression

What is the difference between sadness and depression

We can often confuse the feeling of sadness and depression. Although both emotions have characteristics in common, they differ from each other in specific points that are worth knowing.

Want to know the differences between sadness and depression? In this article we tell all about them.

Sadness and depression

Woman on sofa depressed

Although we may find ourselves using the phrase “I am depressed” when we have had a terrible day at work, when a terrible rainstorm has soaked our clothes or our team has lost the championship final, then these circumstances can only be attributed to being sad or grief.

Sadness is the natural response to an unfortunate event, a negative situation, a frustration, so it is more “normal” for us to be sad than depressed.

Feeling sad after a relationship, a financial problem or being unable to meet a goal is normal as we are not robots or machines. However, sadness is far from suffering from a serious pathology such as depression.

The sad feeling we have disappears completely as time goes on or if we find a solution to the problem. It has nothing to do with the seriousness or significance of what has released the grief.

We go through a period of grief and then we realize that life goes on, even when a loved one dies, when we move to the other side of the planet or when we get divorced.

We are not even talking about depression in these cases, but a normal reaction to bad situations. We suffer because we have emotions and because this situation has left a deep imprint on us.

The sadness we feel may be accompanied by other symptoms such as apathy, insomnia or headaches. But these are far from the depression.

So what is grief? To put it bluntly, sadness is a natural emotional state, a reaction that pertains to a particular episode or situation.

Examples of such situations or episodes include when we are disappointed, when life leads us to very painful situations, or when there are people around us who are suffering.

What is depression?

Woman sitting in bed depressed

Let us now look at the characteristics of depression. Let’s start with its medical definition that says it is a mental illness and a mood disorder. It is classified in different ways depending on the symptoms presented by the patient.

The time of each depressive episode can vary: From weeks to years. Those who go through it need professional help.

A psychiatric or psychological treatment is essential so that the person can enjoy life in every way again.

To be diagnosed with depression, a person must present at least 5 of these symptoms (this list is for guidance only and one should consult a therapist about the problem):

  • Feeling irritable most of the time.
  • Feeling of sadness all day long and for no apparent reason.
  • Loss or reduction of joy and interest in everyday activities (especially by those who were considered interesting in the past).
  • Changes in weight or appetite.
  • Problems falling asleep or needing too much sleep.
  • Feeling of restlessness on a daily basis.
  • Slow movements. Fatigue and low energy
  • Inability to make decisions. Feeling of guilt and worthlessness.
  • Thoughts of death or suicide.
  • Problems focusing, concentrating or being creative.

Although these symptoms can also appear when we are sad, the big difference is that when we are depressed, we do not know the reason why we feel this way and have a hard time figuring out why.

On the other hand, we experience sadness after certain situations and can see the signs of this.

How do you distinguish between sadness and depression?

Young woman with depression

It is very important to be aware of the characteristics of both emotions, even if they are similar to each other or if we sometimes cannot distinguish between them.

  • If we can ascertain the cause of the symptoms, then we are sad. By reflecting on the problem and finding a solution, it is possible for the emotions to be improved.
  • In the case of depression, we face a chronic and generalized sadness. There is no clear factor for the origin of this feeling (and we often cannot find it ourselves with therapy).
  • It affects us in every way and has consequences in the relationships we have (couples, family, friendships, work, etc.).

Depression makes life less interesting, less pleasant and less exciting. It is synonymous with losing interest in things and deteriorating vital energy.

It eliminates motivation and pleasure from any activity and makes the person frustrated, uncomfortable, impatient and angry.

Many people wonder “how do I know if I’m depressed?”

To begin talking about this pathology, it is fundamental that it is a long time since the first symptoms occurred.

This means that the person does not immediately realize that they are having an emotional disorder.

There is a test called the Goldberg Anxiety and Depression Scale used by psychologists to determine patients’ status. The diagnosis is based on a number of questions.

Also in therapy, you can choose a more complete test known as the “Self-applied Zung Depression Scale”, which opens up the spectrum a little more. This allows you to look at the deeper topics.

Do not overlook depression, a disease that affects 5% of the world’s population (mainly women). It can also lead to suicide attempts or become a nightmare for the sufferer and those around them, even if the sufferer has not attempted suicide.

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