Types Of Abortions You Should Know About

There are different types of abortions that you should be aware of. In addition, there are laws and deadlines for each of them. Read on to learn more.
Types of Abortions You Should Know About

Abortion is the  termination of a pregnancy before 180 days. There are three types of abortion: Spontaneous, natural and induced. Termination of a pregnancy, whether natural or induced, can be followed by a loss of blood through the vagina.

Types of abortion based on the reason

Pregnant woman is hospitalized and must have performed one of the common types of abortion

Spontaneous abortions

It is one of the types of abortion where you do not choose to undergo it. Most actually happen in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. In addition, they usually do not require any kind of surgery.

Some of the causes of miscarriages are abnormalities in the chromosomes as well as abnormalities in the uterine artery. In addition, endometriosis and myoma can also cause miscarriages.

On the other hand, smoking, alcohol and drug use as well as traumatic situations  increase the risk of undergoing a miscarriage.

Induced abortion

It is one of the types of abortions where women  voluntarily undergo a procedure to end the pregnancy.

Therapeutic abortion

At this abortion  , the doctor will terminate the pregnancy if the health of the mother or fetus is endangered. It occurs when there is a risk of death or immediate health risks. This includes, for example, high-risk pregnancies, psychological health and more.

Legal situations for these types of abortions

Woman with pregnancy test is worried about different types of abortion

Illegal abortions

Abortions are illegal when performed against the law of the country in which it takes place. When the law makes abortion illegal, women often get dangerous and risky abortions. Therefore, in countries where they are illegal, the mortality rate for expectant mothers is higher than in countries where it is legal.

Legal abortions

Even the most advanced legislation actually punishes pregnant women and professionals who perform abortions outside the deadlines. In addition, they can be fined and even imprisoned. In almost every country in the world, abortion is legal in some cases,  except in countries such as:

  • Vatican.
  • El Salvador.
  • Malta.
  • Nicaragua.
  • Honduras.
  • The Dominican Republic.

The system of deadlines  allows for a specific window where abortion is legal. For example, the period in Denmark is 12 weeks. On the other hand, there are many different reasons why it is legal to have an abortion. In the United States, each state can make its own law on abortion.

Types of abortions according to how they are performed

Woman with pregnancy test

1. Pharmacological abortion

Until the seventh week of pregnancy, women can have an abortion with pills. First, the patient will take one or more mifepristone pills. After 24 or 48 hours, misoprostol is given to get rid of the yolk sac.

However, these drugs can only be obtained in hospitals.

2. Instrumental abortion

With this abortion, there are a few types based on the technique:

  • Abortion by enlargement and vaccuum:  First, the cervix is ​​enlarged. Then a vacuum is performed. Doctors do not make any incisions and there is no surgery. However, you will need healthcare professionals and equipment. They can perform this until the 17th week and it usually takes between 5 and 10 minutes.
  • Surgical abortion:  Gynecologists or surgeons operate.
  • Abortion by enlargement and removal:  It is one of the types of abortion that takes place around week 16-19. However, there is a greater risk because the pregnancy is longer. It also requires regular or full anesthesia. It also requires surgery. The uterus is enlarged, then the doctor uses surgical tools to remove the fetus. It usually takes between 10 and 30 minutes, but the healing after can take several hours.
  • Scraping:  It requires scraping the walls of the uterus. Gynecologists actually use this technique for other procedures. In addition, they only use it in special circumstances where the World Health Organization recommends it.
  • Delayed abortion with medication or induced abortion:  It combines the pharmacological method of enlarging the uterus with the surgical method of removing the contents. However, there are certain risks after week 19-20. A team of healthcare professionals must therefore evaluate the case because it requires hospitalization and anesthesia. Sometimes you even have to repeat the procedure.

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