Two Symptoms Of Cataracts And Natural Treatment

When you have cataracts, objects may become cloudy or colorless. Fortunately, there are natural alternatives that help prevent or minimize your symptoms, and we share them with you here.
Two symptoms of cataracts and natural treatment

Treatment of cataracts: Over time, our vision worsens. This is especially true today, where we are so often exposed to bright screens on our computers or cell phones. Pollution also affects how the light from the sun destroys our eyes, making it more intense when it hits us.

In this article, we take a look at a few symptoms of cataracts.

Vision falls do not always occur with problems such as myopia  or hyperopia. At times, it is related to cataracts.

Although we are going to talk about the symptoms of cataracts, keep in mind that the sensation that emerges is similar to that which occurs when we look through a concave glass. In any case, we will detail them as we continue through the article.

Are you ready?

Symptoms of cataracts

Blurred vision

At first, it is difficult to realize that you have this problem. This is especially true for those who already have a vision problem. However, there are situations that can help you discover it.

In general, if you have a vision problem, it affects you when you want to focus on something far or on something close. Because of this, you experience an improvement when you shorten or lengthen the distance to the given object.

But the cataracts will always be there. Because of this, when you start to see all the blur, it is likely that you have cataracts.

2. Changes in your perception of brightness and color

City and traffic image

Do you read in the evening? If you do, you may have noticed that your lamp has a more intense light. On the other hand, it is also possible that you will be confused by car lights.

On the contrary , it can be difficult for you to distinguish different colors. It is more difficult to recognize colors that belong to the same chromatic region.

Both symptoms are signs that you are suffering from cataracts.

Natural treatments for cataracts (cataracts)

1. Eat foods rich in vitamins

Vitamin A is very useful for taking care of your eye hygiene, so to speak. In fact, it acts directly on the membrane, which is on top of where the eyeball sits. It also generates rhodopsin, which is a substance that helps you control light more effectively. Some of the most effective elements to get more vitamins are:

  • Carrots
  • Broccoli
  • Kale
  • Spinach
  • Sweet potato
  • Dairy
  • Melon
  • Apricot
  • Mango
  • Meat
  • Chicken

On the other hand, vitamins B and C are known for their positive effect of the lens, which is responsible for focusing and precision. To get a greater contribution of these vitamins, we recommend:

  • Egg
  • Mussels
  • Squid
  • Crab
  • Salmon
  • Sardines
  • Citrus fruits
  • Garlic
  • Parsley
  • Red pepper
  • Acerola
  • Guava

2. Reduce your salt consumption


In other articles we have talked about how salt absorbs liquids. This phenomenon also takes place with the mucous membrane, which protects your eyes. When you eat too much salt, you are more prone to eye damage.

When you have dry eyes, a simple blink is a risk. This is because the mucous membrane has, among other things, the function of coating the organ with a protective layer of film.

Because of this, by reducing the amount of this mucous membrane, the eyes come in direct contact with our lens. This can cause some kind of damage.

3. Controls the amount of time you spend in the sun

As we pointed out, the light from the sun is dangerous when we talk about cataracts. As you may know, you should always avoid excess contact with the sun as UVA rays degrade your eyes. However, the pollution that comes with UVA rays is much more aggressive these days than in previous decades.

However, this does not mean that you have to run from the sun. It is best to be out in the sun during the days when the sun is weaker. That way, you can get the necessary vitamins and benefits from it.

4. Look at something you like during the day

Woman using loop treatment gray stare

Relaxation is very important for the treatment of cataracts. It does not just mean that you have to close your eyes. Doing things you like is also very helpful. In that sense , looking at a landscape, a painting or a photo you love can be helpful.

Doing this reduces the tension in your eyes as well as in the rest of the tissues around it. Freeing yourself from stress is essential for your body, and your optical state is no exception.

The cataracts mentioned here are very bothersome and can even be debilitating. Because of this, it is good to follow this recommendation as they constitute a perfect compliment to the medical treatment as prescribed by your doctor.

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