Treatment Of Cold Sores In Children

Cold sores are recurrent in children. They are not serious, although they can cause pain and discomfort anyway. Is there a treatment for them? It’s there at least. Read on to learn more about pharmacological and natural solutions.
Treatment of cold sores in children

The incidence of cold sores in children can be unsettling to begin with. However, these lesions are benign and tend to disappear on their own within a short time. At least that’s how it is, according to an article published in the  National Center for Biotechnology Information.

As you may already know, the mouth is susceptible to a variety of ailments. Cold sores are one of the most common. Estimates actually indicate that they affect up to 85% of the population. So how do you treat them in children? Read on to find out.

Cold sores in children

The occurrence of cold sores has to do with several factors, but in the case of children, it is about their habit of getting things in their mouths. The lesions are inflamed and cause pain.

They begin as a swelling of the lining of the mouth that is white in color. It can develop into a round or oval wound. They are low and with sharp edges, but the bottom can be necrotic and vary in diameter.

Generally, cold sores in children appear on the mucous membrane of the cheeks. However, they also tend to occur on the lips, tongue and gums. This disorder is more common in women than men for an unknown reason.

In addition, they can occur repeatedly over time. In this case, we say that it is a disorder that is referred to as “recurrent aphthous stomatitis”. It manifests itself through single or multiple lesions of different sizes.

Close-up of cold sores in children

Treatment of cold sores

Whether the lesion is isolated or due to “recurrent aphthous stomatitis”, it will usually subside on its own within about seven days. However, cold sores can be painful and sometimes prevent food intake.

This is why people often wonder if there is anything they can do to speed up the healing process. There are two treatment options in this sense: one pharmacological and one that consists of natural products. Both solutions are useful to improve the symptoms and to avoid possible complications.

Pharmacological treatment

It is such a common disorder, so it is no wonder that there are a wide variety of drugs that help speed up healing. Most of them are for topical application – they go after the affected area. Here are some solutions that are currently available:

  • Disinfectants such as chlorhexidine in the form of gel or mouthwash attack the microorganisms that cause lesions.
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs and topical corticoids strengthen the effect of disinfectants.
  • Antibiotics may be needed if the infection in the mouth is due to bacteria.

Likewise, systemic treatment with oral steroids is a good idea in severe cases. The latter should be performed only under medical supervision and only when cold sores are recurrent or with many symptoms.

Natural treatments

Some natural remedies can serve as an aid in treating cold sores in children. Although they are not the preferred choice, they can be helpful in reducing inflammation and fighting existing infections. Ideally  , of course, they should have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties.

One of the most commonly used alternatives is to make mouthwash with warm water with salt or baking soda. Repeat two to three times a day until you notice a significant improvement. This mixture should contain only a pinch of salt or baking soda mixed with half a glass of warm water. It should not be swallowed.

Aloe vera is another ingredient commonly used for this purpose. The gel in the stems has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties that promote relief. It just requires a drop rubbed directly on the cold sore.

Aloe vera gel and stems

How to prevent the occurrence of cold sores in children?

At this point, it is important to note that cold sores and “recurrent aphthous stomatitis” do not have a specific cause in most cases. These lesions can occur due to genetic predisposition or due to the following situations:

  • Viral or bacterial infection.
  • Stress.
  • Lack of vitamins.
  • Trauma after dental treatments.
  • Hormonal changes.

The prevention of cold sores in children should focus on alleviating the situations mentioned above. The primary thing is that the little one maintains adequate oral hygiene. You must therefore make sure that you brush their teeth twice a day and use mouthwash once a day.

Talk to a dentist if you suspect cold sores are due to dental treatments, even if the symptoms go away on their own. It is also recommended for minors to take vitamin pills as well as to eat foods that contain vitamin B.

Some of them are:

  • Leafy vegetables.
  • Fruits.
  • Dairy products.
  • Dried fruits and seeds.
  • Egg.
  • Low fat meat.
  • Whole grains.

General considerations

Cold sores are not serious but can be quite bothersome, especially in children. This is because they need to limit their daily meals as they can lead to general discomfort.

Lastly, the available treatments focus on reducing inflammation, relieving pain and promoting proper healing. In addition  , one can prevent these injuries with adequate oral hygiene and the right tools for it.

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