Toothbrushes: Types, Advantages And Disadvantages

A dental bridge is a fixed prosthesis that provides a solution when a tooth is missing in the mouth. How is it attached? What are its benefits? In this article we will tell you all about it.
Dental bridges: Types, advantages and disadvantages

When a tooth is missing in the mouth,  the dentist may recommend inserting dental bridges. It is an alternative that allows the person to restore the aesthetics and function that was lost by the loss of the tooth.

But what does it consist of? What are the pros and cons of this device?

There are many questions about dental bridges. In this article, we will explain what dental bridges are, the types available and the primary benefits.

Read on!

What are dental bridges?

Dental bridges are a type of fixed prosthesis that  we use to replace one or more teeth that are not present in the mouth. In particular, it involves covering the area of ​​the missing tooth with an artificial crown, which is attached to the healthy teeth that the person still has.

In order for the dental bridge to remain seated on the surrounding teeth, they should first be trimmed. This means that the teeth must be filed so that the structure can be put on properly. This means that the patient cannot remove the prosthesis, as it must be permanently attached to the mouth.

With this type of treatment, the patient is able to recover  functions that they may have lost along with one or more teeth. Among them we find aesthetics, obstruction, the ability to chew, face shape, speech and pronunciation.

In general, dental bridges can be made of the following materials:

  • Metal.
  • Resin.
  • Ceramics.
  • Porcelain.
  • Ceramic optimized resin.
Dentist makes dental bridges

How to make dental bridges?

After the dentist has made the diagnosis and has decided, in agreement with the patient, to solve the absence of the teeth by putting on a dental bridge, these are the steps that they must follow to do so:

  • Trimming the remaining teeth:  During anesthesia, the dentist will file the surrounding teeth. These teeth are then called bridge pellets because they support the bridge.
  • Make an impression: The  dentist will make an impression of the mouth, which can be sent to the laboratory, where specialists will make the bridge.
  • Preliminary resin:  Depending on the diagnostic model, preliminary crowns will be made to put over the filed bridge piers in the time it takes to make the bridge. Thus, the aesthetics and condition of the remaining teeth are preserved.
  • Metal test:  Here the metallic structure of the bridge is tested. The dentist tests whether it has been adjusted properly or whether it needs to be corrected.
  • Color test: The  dentist takes samples of the patient’s color and sends it to the laboratory again.
  • Bridge test: The  dentist then tests the bridge in its entirety and makes the necessary adjustments. They then send the bridge to the lab one last time to complete and polish it.
  • Fixing the bridge: The  dentist covers the filed bridge pellets with some special glue and then fixes the bridge.
  • Subsequent check:  After a period of use, the dentist will schedule a visit to check that everything is as it should be.

What types of dental bridges are there?

There are different types of dental bridges. The primary ones are the more traditional types, cable cars, Maryland and those supported by implants. The choice of type depends on the specific case. The dentist will be able to guide the process according to the needs of each individual person.

Traditional dental bridges

The traditional dental bridge is the one that is used when there are natural teeth on each side of the missing tooth. The hole is thus filled by one or more artificial teeth that hold the crowns, which are glued to bridge piers on both sides.

The best solution for distribution and for support during chewing  is to have bridge pellets on both sides. For this reason, it is common to have these made in the back of the mouth.

Floating bridge

The floating bridge is reminiscent of the traditional bridge with the only difference that it only has one bridge pier to get stuck in.

In these cases, the procedure will thus only require a natural tooth, which sits next to the empty hole.

The dentist must file the selected tooth for a bridge pill. They will then glue the crown together with the bridge firmly on it, which will subsequently allow the artificial tooth or teeth to cover the empty hole. There should be less resistance when there is only one bridge pillar.

Sometimes the teeth can break or fall out completely due to a beam-like structure, which is formed when the person chews.

Maryland bro

Maryland dental bridges use two natural teeth as bridge piers, one on each side of the empty hole. The difference between these and the traditional ones is that they do not use crowns over the bridge piers, but some side fins made of metal or porcelain, which are etched firmly to the surrounding teeth.

To be able to do that  , it is essential to have a natural tooth on both sides of the hole. In this case, the dentist will not have to file the tooth as much, making it the most conservative method.

Either way, this type of bridge can only be used for areas that are not exposed to high loads, since they can not withstand it.

Extension bridges

As the name suggests, these bridges use implants instead of crowns over the filed teeth. In order to be able to insert the implants, which will later support the bridge, the patient must undergo surgery.

Generally  , there are two separate operations: one to attach the implant and one to attach the bridge. This process can take several months to complete.

The amount and location of the implants will vary depending on the specific case. For example, your dentist may place your implant in the center of the hole, placing one for each missing tooth or one at each end of the hole.

This type of dental bridge is the most stable and can best support a heavy load. It is also usually the most comfortable for the person and it is the only one that prevents reabsorption of bones in the empty hole.

The benefits of dental bridges

Having a dental bridge has many aesthetic and health benefits.

Once the process is complete, the person can return to eating and chewing normally. In addition, their pronunciation will be improved as they will no longer have gaps that can cause involuntary sounds, syllables and other linguistic habits.

From an aesthetic point of view  , having all your teeth in your mouth can help your self-confidence and self-esteem. It prevents bullying and improves the physical appearance by maintaining the shape of the face. Likewise, the other teeth are less likely to move and change position if one fills the empty hole from the missing tooth.

The price of a dental bridge is one of the most notable benefits. They are durable and are much more economical compared to implants.

Woman at the dentist to have dental bridges fixed

The disadvantages of dental bridges

Before you choose to have dental bridges made as a solution to missing teeth, it is essential that you know something about the disadvantages of this method.

Below we will mention a few:

  • Wear on bridge pellets:  The main disadvantage of this type of prosthesis is the fact that it is necessary to file the healthy teeth. Wear and tear on these teeth increases the risk of suffering other injuries in the process, and in certain cases the patient needs to have a root canal treatment done. On the other hand, these pieces must always be covered with a crown due to the change in shape.
  • Aesthetics:  If you do this process with metal, it can discolor the tooth.
  • Risk of leakage:  The gap between the bridge pillar and the crown can sometimes cause cavities in the teeth under the crown.
  • Risk of movement: The  bridge pellets can move, especially if they are exposed to a large load when chewing. Specialists do not recommend using them on patients who have harmful habits such as bruxism (cutting teeth) or biting into things such as nails.
  • Bone reabsorption:  Since the bones, where there are no teeth, are not stimulated, the body will reabsorb them.
  • Durability:  Dental bridges usually last for several years in the mouth, but when compared to implants, they do not last as long.
  • Risk of gingivitis:  Bacteria can accumulate in the space between the bridge and the gums, causing inflammation in the latter.

Talk to your dentist for more information

Dental bridges can be a good solution to replace the missing teeth in the mouth. Before choosing this method, however, it is important to talk to a dentist.

The dentist will be able to help explain any doubts about materials, types, designs and structures. They will also evaluate possible disadvantages. Keep that in mind!

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