The Best Training Exercises For Pregnant Women

In today’s article, we will discuss the many health benefits of exercising when pregnant. However, one will have to follow proper instructions and choose appropriate exercises. Read on to find out more about it.
The best training exercises for pregnant women

Many people used to think that pregnant women should not exercise as it can harm the development of the fetus. However, a number of studies have confirmed the opposite. Certain exercise exercises for pregnant women can actually make childbirth easier.

In addition, they can prevent certain disorders during pregnancy. It is, for example, pregnancy poisoning and high blood pressure associated with pregnancy.

Exercise exercises for pregnant women

Before discussing the specific recommendations, it is important to mention that they all need to be personalized. In other words, a pregnant woman needs to take her own condition and experience into consideration before embarking on an exercise routine.

This is primarily because what is good for one person may harm another. This is especially true if you had a sedentary life before pregnancy or have some form of disorder. You should therefore always talk to a doctor so that they can establish a plan that suits your specific needs.

Let’s start with swimming, as it is one of the most recommended forms of exercise for gavide. In fact, it is not just swimming, but more or less any activity that is performed in water. These movements can strengthen one’s muscles in the back and lower back and also reduce pain in the back.

Professionals strongly recommend training the pelvic floor by doing squat exercises. They are also good for reducing urinary incontinence.

Woman doing exercise exercises for pregnant women

Cardio training

A sedentary life has many negative consequences for everyone. This is why pregnant women can benefit greatly from performing moderate exercises for cardio training. It is recommended to go for walks or use exercise bikes.

Strength training

These are the most controversial exercises when it comes to pregnancy. However, a study published in the  Revista Andaluza de Medicina del Deporte  mentions that they can make childbirth easier and promote the subsequent recovery process.

In addition, the researchers observed that a number of discomforts typically associated with pregnancy were reduced when exercising certain muscle groups. It was, for example, pain in the lower back. It is thus okay to train the abdominal muscles and hips.

Keep in mind that you should avoid using free weights and other great resistance. Machines designed for this purpose or elastic bands should be adhered to in order to reduce the risk of injury. One should also choose shorter sessions with more repetitions.

Exercises to Avoid When Pregnant

Exercise during pregnancy can have many health benefits. However, some forms of exercise can be risky and lead to complications. Doctors recommend avoiding any activity that may cause harm to the fetus, such as:

  • Contact sports such as football, basketball and volleyball.
  • Those with a high risk of falling such as skiing, cycling, riding and climbing.
  • Exercising activities that increase the heart rate significantly, such as marathons and bodybuilding.

General considerations

As we have mentioned above, a pregnant woman should be aware of her physical shape before embarking on an exercise routine. Those who have led a sedentary lifestyle before pregnancy should be especially careful. The same goes for all people with a chronic disorder.

A study published in the  Revista de Clínica e Investigación en Dinecología y Obstetricia  concluded that physical exercise reduces the risk of preeclampsia and gestational diabetes. Likewise, it mentions that  swimming reduces the incidence of premature births.

There is still insufficient evidence of any complications that can arise from exercise during pregnancy. However, one must be selective about the types of activities one performs at this stage.

Pregnant woman swimming

Conclusion on exercise exercises for pregnant women

Lastly, keep in mind that exercise is good both physically and mentally. So one must forget about the myth that pregnant women should not move because it will only lead to negative consequences.

The most recommended exercises at this stage of life are those that have a low impact  and that strengthen the muscles – swimming and cycling on an exercise bike. Perform them in moderation, and always take your physical condition and health disorders into consideration.

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