The Best Face Masks That Keep Skin Healthy

Exfoliation helps remove dead skin cells, softens the skin and makes it radiate. In addition, it also helps in treating marks or scars. 
The best face masks that keep skin healthy

Are you looking for some of the best face masks to care for your skin? In this article, we give you the best tips so that you can maintain healthy skin.

The best face masks for your skin

Face mask with yogurt, lemon and honey

Homemade face mask with yogurt and honey

The yoghurt moisturizes your skin, while the honey gives it the necessary antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. In addition, lemon contains vitamin C, which is an excellent antioxidant.

1. Mix a spoonful of honey with natural yogurt and a few drops of lemon juice (10 or 12).

2. Mix all the ingredients together into a paste and apply it on the skin for half an hour. 

3. Wash the mask off with warm water.

One of the best face masks with avocado

Avocado is a fruit that contains a wide variety of vitamins and minerals. It contains oleic acid, which leaves the skin hydrated and smooth. In addition, it is ideal for dry skin.

1. You need half an avocado and a teaspoon of olive oil.

2. Make a paste, put the mask on your face and let it sit for 15 minutes. Carefully remove it with warm water.

Face mask with milk and honey

Woman applies the best face masks to the skin

Thanks to the properties of milk, your skin will become more hydrated. Milk also stimulates the production of collagen in the skin in a natural way.

It is excellent for removing impurities on the face as it has a cleansing effect that causes the pores to close and prevent them from producing too much fat.

1. The ingredients you need are a tablespoon of powdered milk, a tablespoon of honey and an egg white.

2. Whisk the ingredients together and put them in your face.

3. Remove the mask with warm water after 15 minutes. 

One of the best face masks with carrot and yogurt

It is extremely helpful to use carrots on the face if you want to improve problems such as acne. This is because carrots contain vitamin A, which is good for the skin.  

At the same time, vitamin C gives you a healthy and fresh look, and the antioxidants in carrots help prevent premature aging. 

This recipe is especially good for oily skin.

1. Mix lemon juice together with orange juice.

2. Blend the carrot thoroughly with a dl of yogurt.

3. Leave the mask on the face for 10-15 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Face mask with almonds

Almonds are high in fatty acids and antioxidants such as vitamin E. This makes them nutritious and beneficial for the skin.

1. Find some raw, roasted almonds.

2. Crush them in a mortar until completely powdered.

3. Mix the almonds together with a tablespoon of yogurt and massage the mask well into the skin for three minutes.  

4. Wash the mask off with warm water and then apply your favorite moisturizer on your face.

The best moisturizing masks

Woman gets facial done with the best face masks

All these masks contain 100% natural products, and they are just as effective as the masks used in beauty salons or bought in stores. You probably already have many of the ingredients at home.

The best face masks with banana

Bananas and honey can be used to make the best face masks

The potassium content of bananas is responsible for the water in the cells, which nourishes and moisturizes your skin.

1. To make this mask you need to moor a banana and add a tablespoon of honey and five tablespoons of oatmeal.

2. When all is well mixed, put the mask on your face (avoid the area around the eyes) and let it sit for 15 minutes before rinsing off with warm water.

Face mask with apple

As we mentioned earlier, vitamins A and C really benefit the skin, and apples contain both. In addition, the nutrients from the apple help boost collagen proteins in your skin naturally. 

1. In order for this to happen, the apples must be cut into small pieces and boiled in half a liter of water.

Let them cool in the fridge for about half an hour.

3. Mix a tablespoon of yogurt, a tablespoon of honey and a tablespoon of wheat germ together in a bowl. Add the apples and mix it all together until it forms a paste. 

4. Put the mask on your face and let it sit for 20 minutes. 

5. Remove the mask with cold water and neutral soap.

The best face masks for exfoliation

Woman puts face mask in the bathtub

If you have problems with blackheads, acne and pimples, you can take advantage of these recipes and tips. It is important to exfoliate the skin because it removes dead skin cells and makes your skin soft and shiny, which reduces marks.

Exfoliation with sugar

One of the cheapest exfoliation methods is with sugar and it is easy to use. Here’s how you do it:

1. After washing your face thoroughly with a neutral soap, moisten it with water and a little sugar.

2. Rub the sugar thoroughly into the skin with circular motions.

3. Then rinse the residue off with cold water and apply a moisturizer on the face.


Honey also has excellent exfoliating properties. It is also not as aggressive to your skin and it helps to remove dead skin cells while providing moisture.  

1. You will need a teaspoon of pure honey, a tablespoon of lemon juice and two crushed almonds.

2. Gently put the mask on your face and let it sit for 15 minutes. 

3. Rinse your skin with water and that’s it.

When you are done, you will notice how soft and beautiful your skin has become.

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