That’s Why It’s Important To Play Outdoors

It may well be that computer games and the like are very tempting. But there is gold to be gained by playing outdoors.
That is why it is important to play outdoors

21st century children are buried in technology, and often do not play outdoors at all. For the parents, it is easy to have them strapped into the home. But there are countless benefits to playing outdoors, and parents should keep that in mind.

Play is a necessity in children’s lives. But more and more children in the cities keep playing outdoors. In doing so, they deprive themselves of the benefits that outdoor play has for their physical, mental and emotional health.

Nowadays, children spend most of their free time watching television or playing computer games online. It is also more convenient for the parents that the children are at home, possibly in their room. Then they can play without being watched. But unfortunately, our comfort has deprived the children of the joy of playing outside.

This  contributes to children’s dependence on computer games and other electronic devices. This, of course, affects children in the big city the most.

Outdoor play: The antidote against natural blockage ( nature-deficit disorder )

Children playing outdoors

The lack of contact with nature in the 21st century has led psychologists to talk about the existence of a so-called nature-deficit disorder (nature blocking). This discomfort is associated with  problems such as difficulty concentrating, hyperactivity, obesity, depression and anxiety.

This problem can actually be solved quite easily:  you just have to let the kids stay outside. The very simple things like drawing fresh air, crawling on a lawn, running between the trees, smelling flowers or watching birds are such important experiences for children.

In addition, play in the open air gives children the opportunity to relax and have a moment of peace. It’s a welcome change from the pace of electronic gadgets and games. Therefore, their ability to pay attention and concentrate is enhanced. And that is crucial if you want to do well in school and in life.

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Playing outdoors is good for kids of  all  ages (and adults!)

You do not have to wait for the kids to be old enough to play outside. Even babies can play outdoors. Even if they sleep, babies can benefit from being taken for a walk in the park, a nature area  or the garden.

Children will be able to remember the nice feelings forever. As they grow up, kids love to get out and play. They can see the sun, feel the breeze, smell the flora and hear the sounds of nature.

Nature gives them contact with many new situations and teaches them many things. It is not at all comparable to the overload of information they get from the internet or computer games.

At the same time  , parents also benefit from staying in nature. It drains stress, gives the brain a break, and we can share happy moments with the family. Therefore, we can all strengthen the bond of love we have for our children when we play outside.

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That is why it is important for children to play outside

Outdoor activities are very beneficial for babies, children and young people. Of course  , parents need to keep an eye on them so they don’t get hurt. If the children are to play in a very large park, a beach or a field, they must also be watched so that they do not get lost.

That said, let’s take a look at some of the incredible benefits to children of playing outdoors.

Benefits of playing outside

  • Children feel free when they play, even when their parents are nearby. This is very different from playing inside a house.
  • Outdoor play strengthens physical development. Children can exercise, run, jump and develop new skills.
  • The extra physical activity allows them to drain energy and tension. Therefore , they come home and are more relaxed and sleep better.
  • It is also possible to prevent obesity in children as they burn a lot of calories in a healthy and natural way when playing outside.
  • Playing outdoors also stimulates the imagination and creativity. Kids invent new games and they can even come up with some, as long as they have a few branches or stones.
  • Contact with nature strengthens their immune system. They become more resistant to all kinds of bacteria and dust.
  • Children learn to deal with different weather conditions, from sunshine to rain and wind.
  • At the same time  , sunshine is important for getting vitamin D and calcium. This strengthens the children’s bones, which are under development.
  • If they are lucky, they get in touch with other children when they play outside, which is good for their socialization. It helps them make friends and deal with their emotions and the conflicts that may arise.
  • For teenagers, it is really healthy to go camping. Not only do they benefit from contact with nature, it can also make them take on more responsibility.
Children get used to different weather by playing outdoors

One last thought about why children should play outdoors

Outdoor activities are an obvious opportunity to enjoy family life. Parents and children, and the rest of the family such as grandparents, uncles, cousins ​​and cousins ​​all benefit from it. You can enjoy life in the shade under a tree, by a rushing river, or at the foot of some hills.

Have family plans made that make everyone enjoy nature, and share precious moments with those they love. It is definitely worth the effort.

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