Text Neck: How To Prevent It

Our use of screens can give us problems with the neck.
Text neck: How to prevent it

Text neck appears as a series of symptoms that are directly related to the use of smartphones. Pain in the neck is the most significant symptom. Read here and find out more about the syndrome.

Woman with phone experiences text neck

Text neck is also known as iPad neck, and has several other names. The names refer to the most common causes of this problem: The use of cell phones. It has become more common, thanks to the proliferation of the use of smartphones and other electronic devices.

The syndrome manifests itself as a series of pains in the neck. The pain usually begins in the neck region, and extends to the shoulders and back. Headaches can also occur.

Although the main problem here is pain, for some time there have been medical warnings about other ailments caused by these devices. These can be problems that come from screen lights and damage to the joints caused by repeated movements.

Young people are most prone to this condition  as this group uses mobile devices for longer. When you consider that there are about three billion mobile phone users in the world, then it is a large group that is at risk.

Text neck is a recognized problem, even though it is not yet part of the international classification of diseases. You could say it is a form of neck pain. But in this particular case, the neck pain is due to the position of the head.

The causes of text neck

The underlying problem here is the position of the head, which has a direct connection with the use of mobile phones. But what really gives the pain when it comes down to it is the abnormal tilt of the head over extended periods of time.

When the head is kept straight or in a normal neutral position, it exposes the spine to a weight of 4-5 kilos. This is what skulls usually weigh. So as you bend your head forward, the weight that the neck should carry increases. A shift to an angle of just 45 degrees increases the weight.

Woman sitting with phone in hand

So the problem becomes a condition that gets worse. The more you use your phone, the greater angle you will use when writing and reading on it. It happens gradually and many people hardly notice it.

But what about computers?

Mobile phones provide a powerful head bend over computers. Researchers have also found that there is a lower uplift of the shoulders when a person uses a computer.

American ergonomists (people who study the body’s posture and how it affects our health) use a scale to determine risks. It is called the RULA scale, and regular use of the mobile phone has a score of 6, which is a very high risk.

Read more: Exercise routines to strengthen your neck muscles

What is the ideal position when using a smartphone?

Like any other activity that involves a particular posture, there are better and healthier ways to do it. There are three important tips for the correct position of your body when using your mobile phone:

  • Hold your head at a 0-degree neutral angle
  • Always keep the arm that holds the phone at eye level so you do not force your skull down.
  • Let the neck relax at regular intervals, and change position.

As text necks also concern long-term use of computers,  the above recommendations also apply to computer users. So keep your head at a 0-degree angle when using your computer. Raise your screen to eye level and take regular breaks.

Person massaging neck at desk

Find out more: 3 yoga poses that relieve neck tension

Steps to prevent text neck

Drastic measures are not necessary to prevent this syndrome. Here are some basic recommendations you can take right away:

  • Put your phone away. Take breaks from the screens, especially from your mobile phone, and let your eyes and neck relax.
  • Stretch. Take the opportunity to move your head around and stretch your neck muscles when you are not using these devices. You can also stretch out the upper body to give your neck more relaxation.
  • Get your arms up and use supports. Keep your screens at eye level so that your head can stay in a neutral position. Keep an eye on the position of the arm holding the phone and adjust the height of your tables.
  • Adjust the light from your screen. The light from the phone can overstimulate the muscles in your eyes and they are associated with contractions in the neck.
  • Do not use your mobile phone after going to bed. It has become common for people to read and check their messages in bed. This leads to a completely unnatural position because you have to raise your arms up, overstimulate your vision, and keep your neck unsupported.

Talk to a professional if you have pain due to text neck. They should be able to make a diagnosis, give you some physiotherapy and some painkillers to relieve it temporarily. You should not be terrified of this problem, but know  that you will feel much better if you can prevent it.

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