Surprising Things You Can Use Silica Gel Bags For

If you have small silica gel bags lying around in your home you will love these tips on how to best use them. We give you some fun and practical ideas here.
Surprising things you can use silica gel bags for

Silica gel bags are probably not something you go and think about on a daily basis. But they are actually incredibly versatile. You can find them, for example, in shoe boxes, bags or vitamin glasses to keep the contents moisture-free. It looks like a small bag with hard balls inside.

There are many surprising things you can use silica gel bags for. Here in the article you can read about some of them.

Silica is an chemical substance that has a crystalline color and appearance, and is porous and odorless . You can not dissolve it in water.

silica gel

It has many good properties and therefore we will in this article tell you how you can use it at home.

How to use silica gel bags at home

The silica gel bags in your shoeboxes or wardrobe usually do not come with any instructions, so many times they end up in the trash.

The packaging simply says “silica gel” and that it is a product that must not be ingested under any circumstances. But you can actually use them for many surprising things in the home.

boxes with screws

Prevent rust with silica gel

You can extend the life of your razor blades if you store them in a drawer with silica gel bags. The moisture on the leaves dries out due to the bags and it prevents rust on the leaves.

If you want to keep your tool free of rust, you can also put a few bags in your toolbox. It makes your tools last longer.

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Wipe your wet smartphone with silica gel bags

If you have been so unlucky that your smartphone has gotten wet, you can use bags of silica gel to absorb the moisture.

We all know the trick of putting a smartphone that has been given water in rice. But in fact, it is much more effective if you use silica gel to remove moisture from electronic devices.

Save your old photographs with silica gel bags

Old photographs are very vulnerable to moisture. You can store your old photo albums in a box with a few silica gel bags to prevent them from being damaged by the moisture.

You can also use the same fif to protect valuable documents.


Keep outerwear, suitcases and backpacks dry

Fur coats are a delicate garment that requires special care. To prevent them from getting damaged, you can put bags of silica gel in your pockets.

In addition, you can also put them in your sports bag, as the product not only absorbs moisture but also bad odors.

Finally, suitcases that remain closed for several months may smell bad or become moldy due to moisture. If this is a problem that you have experienced, try putting silica gel bags in your suitcases. It keeps them in good condition for a long time.

Also read: How to make your own shoe rack at home

Several things you can use silica gel for

Silica gel bags can also be used to remove moisture from the car windshield. Place a few small bags on the dashboard under the windshield and you will find that the pane is not as easily misted.

In addition to these uses, silica gel is also good for preserving flower seeds and bulbs. If you love gardening, and buy many different kinds of seeds, you can place a few bags of silica gel in the boxes where you store seeds and onions. This way, they last longer and do not rot.

You can also put silica gel bags into large bags of animal feed. If you live in a place where there is a lot of moisture, you no longer have to worry about the feed getting spoiled due to moisture. However, do not forget to take the silica gel bags out before using the feed, and be careful not to break the small bags, as silica gel is dangerous for animals to ingest.

As you can see, there are an incredible number of things you can use silica gel bags for. If you are in possession of an item, piece of furniture, or clothing that you feel can be easily damaged by moisture over time, store them with some silica gel bags to keep them in better condition.

What about you? How do you use silica gel bags?

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