Natural Remedies For Enlarged Pores

It may be fine to use products on the skin, but the most important thing is good hygiene. Wash your face morning and evening to prevent grease and impurities from accumulating.
Natural remedies for enlarged pores

One of the most common beauty problems in both men and women is enlarged pores, which look ugly and unhealthy. They also tend to clog more easily, forming irritating blackheads.

All have to some extent visible pores that can lead to a pimpled appearance. However, some people have found several techniques to hide or reduce their appearance to prevent them from affecting the natural beauty of the skin.

It is not currently known what causes this skin problem, but it is believed that genetics, hormonal changes and an excess production of oil play an important role in the development of large pores.
The good news is that there are several treatments that can close them naturally and cleanse them in depth. Want to know more?

Tomato mask against enlarged pores

Young woman with tomatoes on her cheeks

A tomato mask balances the skin’s natural pH value, making it easier to remove excess oil and reduce the effects of free radicals.

Its antioxidant and astringent properties help close open pores and prepare the skin naturally.

Course of action

  • Cut a fresh tomato, remove the seeds and spread the meat on the face.
  • Let it work for 10 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Egg whites and orange juice

The use of egg whites on the skin is really popular nowadays as their properties make the skin firmer and tone it. This way you can avoid problems with loose skin.

This ingredient, combined with the vitamin C in oranges, provides an astringent mask that is ideal for removing dead cells and shrinking pores.


  • 1 egg white
  • The juice from an orange

Course of action

  • Beat the egg whites in the orange juice to obtain a homogeneous liquid.
  • Apply the mask using a brush, let it dry on your face, then rinse with warm water.

Salt and cream

Salt on a plate

Salt is an ideal ingredient for scrubbing the skin and removing dead skin cells. Combined with the lactic acid in the cream, it is an excellent means of minimizing enlarged pores and reducing impurities.

Course of action

  • Mix a tablespoon of cream with a teaspoon of salt and apply it on the exposed areas with gentle circular motions.
  • Let it work for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Papaya peel

Although it is always thrown in the trash,  papaya peel is rich in nutrients that are beneficial to your skin.

Course of action

  • Rub the inside of the peel against the areas of your face that are affected by blackheads. Let it work for 2o minutes, then rinse with cold water

Aloe vera

This plant is rich in nutrients and possesses content that reduces the size of the pores while balancing the skin’s pH.

Its vitamins, minerals and antioxidants make it great for moisturizing and toning the skin, while preventing signs of premature aging.

Course of action

  • Extract the gel from a stalk of aloe vera and apply it to the face. Wait 20 minutes before rinsing with warm water.

Celery: A natural cleanser

Bowl with celery

You should use a natural cleanser or toner after getting up and before going to bed to refresh your skin and remove excess oil.

Celery is an excellent ingredient to make this product as it contains vitamins, minerals and important antioxidants that support the cellular regeneration.

Course of action

  • Boil a handful of celery in half a liter of water. Let it cool and pour it into a spray bottle. Apply as needed.


Among the many medicinal benefits of honey, we find important nutrients and properties that improve the health of the skin.

Honey possesses antimicrobial and antibacterial properties that reduce the presence of bacteria that cause acne. On top of reducing the excess oil, it also shrinks the enlarged pores.


  • Apply a thin layer of honey all over your face or just on the exposed areas. Let it work for 15 minutes, then rinse with cold water.
  • Another good way to use honey is to mix it with oatmeal to create a scrub.

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