Natural Medicine That Can Fight Nosebleeds

Nosebleeds can appear when the nasal mucosa dries out and becomes hard, causing a fracture that leads to bleeding.
Natural medicine that can fight nosebleeds

Nosebleeds, also known as nosebleeds and medically known as  epistaxis , are a common condition that can appear at any time. The bleeding can be really alarming, especially since a small amount of blood may seem like a lot more. Although this symptom is alarming to most people, it is rarely a sign of something serious, as it is almost always caused by injuries, nasal allergies or other problems affecting the blood vessels in the mucous membrane of the nose. Read on to discover a few natural remedies that can fight nosebleeds.

What are some of the common causes of nosebleeds?

The reasons are many, but fortunately you can easily fight nosebleeds

Nosebleeds can appear when the nasal mucosa dries out and becomes hard, causing a fracture that leads to bleeding. This same condition is really common in those taking blood thinners and the elderly whose blood is taking longer to clot.

Other common causes of nosebleeds include:

  • Sinusitis
  • Too hard exhalation through the nose
  • Injury to the nose
  • Low humidity
  • Nasal allergy
  • Great heights
  • Use of medication
  • Lack of calcium
  • Hypertension

How can you fight nosebleeds?

Ice cubes

One of the first things you should do when you suffer from a nosebleed is to sit upright and lean forward.  Upright position reduces the pressure on the veins, while bending forward causes the blood to flow down the throat. You can also follow these recommendations:

  • Saline:  Make a saline solution by mixing a pinch of salt in a glass of water and then injecting it into the nasal cavity using a nasal spray.
  • Lemon:  Place one or two drops in the affected nostril.
  • Wine vinegar:  Another good solution involves dipping a piece of sterile gauze in vinegar, which is placed in the nose for 10 minutes.
  • Cold wrap:  Place a cold cloth on the tip of your nose. This solution will cause the blood vessels to constrict and stop the blood flow.
  • Ice:  Using ice is also an effective way to  stop bleeding. Simply apply ice to the nose for a few minutes. 
  • Damp towel:  Put a damp towel on your head – it can help slow down the bleeding quickly.
  • Brush your nose:  Gently brush your nose to remove blood clots that may be in the way of normal flow.

Tips to avoid nosebleeds


Of course, there is nothing better than prevention, to avoid the embarrassing and annoying problem of nosebleeds. Here are some tips to help fight nosebleeds:

  • If you suffer from nosebleeds or have done so in the past, drink 8 glasses of water a day. This will help keep the nasal cavity moist.
  • Avoid excessive use of air conditioners. Air conditioning dries the natural air, which can make nosebleeds more likely.
  • Rub the inside of the nose with a little  paraffin oil  or spray with saline solution. This will help keep the nasal passages moist, especially when you suffer from sinusitis or a cold.
  • Avoid breathing too hard through your nose.
  • Apply a little vitamin E to the inside of the nose to keep it moist. Simply dab a little of the oil with a piece of cotton wool and insert it into the nostrils.
  • Intake more vitamin C,  which is vital for strengthening the capillary walls. It is also an important part of collagen, a substance that gives the inside of your nose a moist, protective coating.

In addition, seek medical attention.

Nosebleeds are rarely a sign that something is wrong.  However, when it occurs frequently and without explanation, it is really important to consult your doctor to rule out major health issues, such as leukemia or a blood disorder.

You should also seek medical attention immediately if the bleeding lasts 20 minutes or more, if there is a lot of blood loss, or if it is caused by a stroke or injury.

Now you should know what you need to be able to fight nosebleeds the next time it occurs.

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