Learn How To Defend Yourself Against Criticism And Become Confident

When you accept criticism in a confident way and do not become defensive, you will not feel offended and you will also get a better psychological balance.
Learn how to defend yourself against criticism and become confident

“You did not do a good job today” “If I were you, I would not have made that decision”All day we are exposed to criticism. Is it hard for you to defend yourself against criticism? Now you have the answer, because in this article we will teach you how to defend yourself against criticism and become confident.

Self-confidence is not well developed in many people. However, it is what allows us to defend ourselves and know how to respond with respect.

Do not be defensive – ask questions

Two men who scandalized

When someone criticizes us, our first reaction is to go on the defensive. We take it as an attack. It hurts in us and feels offensive. That is why we react like this.

But when we become defensive, we want to counterattack. We throw the criticism back in their face and try to give them a taste of their own medicine.

If you want to learn to defend yourself in a confident way from criticism, this is not the way you want to go down. Counter-attacking seemed to be the preferred strategy of Eduardo Alves.

So when you feel the impulse to defend yourself against their criticism then stop, breathe and ask a question.

The question is something that the person criticizing will not expect.

For example, if someone says, “Wow, what are you wearing today?” Instead of trying to justify yourself, show your insecurity or attack back, it is better to ask, “What does that mean, what am I wearing?”

They probably do not know what to say. Or if they respond, it will not make sense.

The most important thing is not to let their criticism make you angry  as it only makes you feel bad about yourself.

Approve the criticism in a confident way

Two men

If someone criticizes something you have done without intending to make you feel bad about yourself, but rather because they are right, it is not a good idea to go on the defensive.

If a friend criticizes you for taking a long time to get ready and meet him, it’s not good to say, “Remember, all the times I’ve had to wait for you?”

Responding to criticism in this way does not strengthen relationships. It undermines them little by little until they finally break completely.

The ideal answer would be a confident one and say something like, “You’re right, I took a long time.”

Here is another example. If they say “I can not talk to you about this, you do not know anything about politics, ” you can answer, “It is true, I do not know anything about politics.”

Admit that you know nothing or that you were wrong. But never let anyone step on you or make you feel like you need to change.

If you do not know anything about politics because you are not really interested in it, there is no need to wrap your arm around yourself to learn it just because someone said something that made you feel uncomfortable.

Accept it as part of who you are and express your attitude without shame.

Defend yourself confidently, but respect the opinions of others

There’s something very important that we can not help but touch. You can defend yourself confidently as long as you respect the opinions of others. But above all, respect yourself.

If someone tells you that your outfit is ridiculous, there is no reason to be offended or reject this view. Respect it, accept it and say, “Yes? Well, I love it. “

We can not all have the same taste and there is no need to change yours.

You can respect that the other person was honest and gave you their perspective. Remember, though, that your opinion is what matters most.

It does not matter if people like the way you dress. If you like it, this is the most important thing. If you think like that, you will learn to be more flexible towards the opinions and tastes of others.

Do you know how to defend yourself against criticism and be confident? How do you usually react when someone criticizes you?

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