How To Remove Discolorations And Freckles

Many people have dark spots and freckles on their face, which can sometimes be annoying and not very attractive. Every day, your skin is exposed to factors that can change your appearance, so it is not surprising that you begin to notice damage and changes in the skin.
How to remove discolorations and freckles

The good news is that you do not have to invest a lot of money on expensive treatments to whiten or remove discolorations. Although today there are many options in cosmetics stores, there are also good natural alternatives that can give excellent results.

Parsley is one of those amazing natural products that have great beneficial properties for the skin, with essential nutrients that penetrate deep into the skin to eliminate dead skin cells and remove dark spots and other blemishes that have a negative effect on your appearance.

This herb is easy to grow yourself, but can also be purchased at any greengrocer. It is fairly inexpensive and can be used for a variety of medical purposes.

When it comes to skin care, parsley has some important properties that can help you achieve surprising results:

  • Bleaches the skin
  • Reduces dark discolorations and freckles
  • A natural toner
  • Prevents and fights blackheads
  • Reduces the appearance of impurities
  • Helps generate new skin cells, which promotes better healing
  • Reduces redness, irritation and inflammation
  • Significant reduction of dark circles and swelling around the eyes

Parsley can help you remove discolorations

If blemishes and freckles affect your self-esteem, do not hesitate to try this powerful toner of parsley that can help reduce their appearance significantly while toning your skin and making your face more radiant and beautiful.


  • 1 cup (200 ml) boiling water
  • 2 tablespoons parsley, finely chopped
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice or apple cider vinegar


  • Boil the water in a small saucepan and add the two tablespoons of parsley. Reduce to low heat and allow to cool. Add lemon juice or apple cider vinegar and stir well.
  • Store the liquid in a spray bottle and apply it on the face every day, morning and evening.
  • It can stay in the fridge for five to six days.
  • Because all ingredients are natural, you may not notice a change after first use. It is important to be patient and know that these things take some time before they work. If you use it regularly, you should see improvements after a few weeks.
Skin care

If you really want to take advantage of the beneficial effects of parsley on your skin, then combine the use of the spray we described above with this homemade mask that whitens your skin and naturally removes the irritating discolorations and freckles.


  • 1 bunch parsley
  • 1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon pure honey


  • Dip the parsley in warm water and chop it finely. Crush the parsley with a mortar and pestle until you get a thick paste.
  • Scrape the parsley paste into a small bowl and add the lemon juice and honey. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and then apply the mixture on the face.
  • It is a good idea to wash your face thoroughly before using the mask. You can let it sit extra long in the areas that especially need treatment. Let it sit for 15 to 20 minutes.
  • Lemon juice can cause irritation or a burning sensation, but usually only when you have impurities. It should only last a few seconds.
  • It is important that you only use the mask in the evening, because the citric acid in lemon juice can have negative effects on the skin if exposed to sunlight.
  • After the required time has elapsed, rinse the mask with warm water and apply a moisturizer.
  • In case of acne, freckles or discoloration of the skin, it is best to apply the treatment twice a week.
  • As with the previous treatment, you should apply the mask regularly to get the best results.

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