How To Relieve Headaches And Tension Naturally

Physical exercise and regular relaxation techniques help you lead a healthier lifestyle. Apply the above tips in your daily life to give your mind and body the peace they truly deserve.
This is how you can relieve headaches and tension naturally

A hectic lifestyle filled with stress and anxiety can cause certain problems in your life. One of these problems can be a headache, so it may be necessary to relieve headaches and tension.

First of all, this problem is a sign that you need to turn down the activities that are causing stress. Try to breathe deeply and relax to let your body release that tension.

This headache is associated with an oppressive and full-bodied pain that radiates from the forehead and down to your neck. It is also accompanied by tension in the shoulders that limits your range of motion.

There are several medications you can take to reduce these types of headaches – but did you know that there are also natural treatments to relieve headaches and tension? There are a wide variety of plants and home remedies with several benefits that include relieving these symptoms.

Today we tell you what they are.

1. Ginger to relieve headaches and tension

ginger to relieve headaches and tension

The ginger plant is known for its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. A simple cup of tea will give you instant relief, even from the nausea produced by this kind of headache.

Ginger can also help relieve pain caused by headaches and also has positive effects on other health conditions or discomfort.

2. Chamomile

chamomile for headaches

Chamomile is another herb commonly used for this type of disorder. Its popularity can be dated back to several centuries. The Egyptians, Greeks and Romans used this tea to treat their pain and anxiety.

Chamomile is easy to make and is one of the herbs you should always have in your home because its benefits are so incredibly extensive. Drink a cup of chamomile tea and it will help you relax and stop the tension that gives you chronic pain and headaches.

3. A mask with mint tea for the eyes


This is a simple and natural alternative that involves making mint tea and applying it to the surface of your closed eyelids for 20 minutes. It has been shown that this trick can soothe the eye muscles and relieve headaches and tension.

The properties of mint will provide additional relief and reduce your tension. Covers made with this herb will relieve your discomfort.

4. A mask made on apple cider vinegar

apple cider vinegar to relieve headaches and tension

This mask provides pain relief through relaxation. Apply wrap with cold apple cider vinegar and you will see how it can relieve the pain.

Immediately afterwards, take a hot shower to instantly get the most out of its soothing effects.

5. Lavender to relieve headaches and tension


Whether it is tea or an essential oil, lavender relieves stress. It also provides similar benefits as an aromatic essence.

Lavender is made by letting the leaves soak in warm water. You will notice that your body becomes more relaxed when you drink tea made on this type of herb.

6. Olive oil and lemon juice

This is a simple and natural remedy for headaches. Consume a tablespoon of olive oil with a little lemon juice to reduce inflammation, promote good hydration and improve metabolism. It  also  relieves tension in the neck and shoulders.


  • 1 tablespoon olive oil (15 ml)
  • Lemon juice

What should you do?

  • Mix both ingredients and ingest immediately.

7. Aromatherapy


Aromatherapy consists of using essential oils and products from vegetables and herbs. The oils are added to hot water and the subsequent vapors are absorbed by the lungs.

Essences based on  orange, cedar, mandarin, rose and sandalwood all have relaxing effects. This is a drug that creates a treatment that relieves the symptoms of stress.

8. Eat a balanced diet to relieve headaches and tension

healthy diet

A diet rich in nutrients is the basic basis for treating headaches. Take B vitamins and magnesium as they can provide energy to your neurons, which are on overtime during the day.

Other tips that are easy to apply in your daily life include making sure to get plenty of rest and avoid excessive use of the muscles during the day. All this is done by keeping the neck in a proper position when you sleep and doing some soft exercises that soothe the muscles around the neck and shoulders.

It is best to avoid stressful and anxious states of mind. Establish your priorities and take a break between daily activities to unleash any tension that builds.

Physical exercise and regular relaxation techniques help you lead a healthier lifestyle. Apply the above tips in your daily routine to give your mind and body the rest it truly deserves. This will help you prevent tension headaches.

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