How To Reduce Sugar Intake

Science has proven that excessive sugar intake is a major risk factor for a myriad of chronic diseases. Learn about some strategies for reducing your sugar intake in this article!
How to reduce sugar intake

The intake of sugar is a great risk for the development of a myriad of complex diseases. It has been proven that consuming too much sugar poses a health hazard. Therefore, everyone should reduce their intake of sugar.

Despite its potential danger, it is one of the most widely used ingredients in the food industry. This makes sugar present in people’s diets in an excessive way.

Cutting down on sugar lowers insulin resistance and your chances of getting diabetes, obesity and cancer. Thus, it may be a good idea to follow the strategies explained below.

Choose fresh products instead of processed products if you want to reduce your sugar intake

The majority of processed products contain sugar,  whether it is simeplt sugar, cane sugar, coconut sugar or honey. All of these ingredients cause a lot of stress on the pancreas and damage to the body.

Thus, choosing fresh products instead of processed products, significantly helps to reduce the intake of sugar in everyday life. Fresh products also often provide proteins, vitamins and antioxidants, which are essential for normal body function.

However, not all processed products are harmful. There are some exceptions, such as canned legumes, for example. The processed foods, whose treatment is primarily to improve the preservation of the product, are usually still a good choice to include in its daily diet.

Person cuts tomatoes out as part of reducing sugar intake

Do not be fooled by labels

The food industry often uses euphemisms for the word “sugar” to sell products as being healthy, even if they are not. Thus, sugar can be called by different names, all with the same meaning. 

Cane sugar, coconut sugar, honey and brown sugar, among others, are thus variations of sugar, which involve the same stress on the pancreas and the same risk factors as white sugar.

For that reason, it is basically not to be fooled by food labels and read the ingredients carefully before deciding to buy a product that “seems healthier” to replace another.

Eat less to reduce your sugar intake

Eating less reduces the likelihood that your daily sugar intake will be too high. Although this tip may seem obvious,  many people eat more than their daily needs. 

To achieve this goal, one can use many different strategies. However, the key is just to be careful with amounts and stop eating when you no longer have any appetite.

It is also useful tips to disconnect emotionally from food and not let themselves be influenced by their organoleptic quality when it comes to measuring what one eats and eliminating the excessive amounts.

In addition, it will help you if you  buy only healthy and necessary foods,  instead of foods that are typically filled with unhealthy sugars and additives.

Nutritionist sits with fresh fruits to encourage reducing the intake of sugar

The benefits of an intake of (healthy) sugar

Ultimately, it is also important to remember that sugar is a nutrient. Its function is primarily to provide energy. When it comes to consuming it, therefore, this is a factor one should consider. It can be good to consume sugar in the moments before you perform a physical activity, or even when you start on one. The best choice for this is fruit.

With this nutrition-related strategy, you can improve your athletic performance and prevent the occurrence of fatigue. Therefore, when it comes to ingesting processed or sugary substances, it is always best to do it before a physical activity, rather than on a sedentary day.


Sugar intake can affect your health. The daily intake of this nutrient tends to be too large. This phenomenon has serious consequences for health, which is why something needs to be done.

To do this,  it is a good idea to reduce the intake of sugar by reducing the intake of processed products and increasing its intake of fresh foods. One should also read the food labels to avoid misunderstandings when it comes to making choices regarding food choices.

Overall, the best solution to this problem is knowledge about food and education from an early age.

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