How To Make Cheesecake With Blueberries

Besides being very easy to make, this cheesecake with blueberries and yogurt is a healthy, low-calorie dessert that will satisfy your craving for something sweet.
How to make cheesecake with blueberries

Do you need guests for dinner and do you want to surprise them with a healthy dessert? In this article we will tell you how to make a cheesecake with blueberries!

This recipe is as easy as it is satisfying for those people who have a sweet tooth but who do not want to overdo it or eat too much sugar or processed ingredients.

Pay attention to this recipe because you will love it all:  Cheesecake made with yogurt and blueberry jam.

That way, you can choose tasty and healthy alternatives that are full of flavor.

The benefits of blueberries

Why should you choose ingredients made with blueberries? This type of berry contains little sugar and can be the perfect solution if you want to combat fluid retention.

By choosing a dessert made with blueberries, you will not only avoid eating processed sweets, but you will also choose a “superfood”.

The nutritional information for blueberry jam is 196 calories per 100 grams.

We will share this recipe for a delicious cheesecake made with yogurt and blueberry jam. Everyone will love it!

The amounts mentioned below will provide enough for eight servings so you can customize the recipe if you have fewer or more guests.

Cheesecake recipe with yogurt and blueberry jam


  • 200 grams of graham crackers
  • 80 grams of butter
  • 4 Greek yogurt natural (500 grams)
  • 200 grams of sugar
  • 200 ml whipping cream
  • 3 packets of gelatin
  • 350 grams of your favorite jam
  • 1 and 1/2 packets of gelatin

Preparation of the bottom

  • The first thing you need to do is cover the bottom of the mold with butter or baking paper.
  • To make the bottom of the graham crackers, melt the butter and crush the graham crackers thoroughly.
  • Then mix the ingredients together.
  • Pour it into the mold and press it into place.
  • Store it in the refrigerator until it hardens.

Preparation of the filling

  • For the filling of yogurt, the first thing you need to do is pour the packets of gelatin into a bowl of cold water.
  • In another bowl, mix yogurt, cream and sugar. Mix it thoroughly and heat it a bit.
  • Add gelatin to the hot mixture and  stir in it for about 10 minutes  until well blended.
  • Pour the filling over the bottom of the graham crackers and let it cool.

Preparation of topping

  • All you need for your topping is your blueberry jam.
  • Heat it over low heat, add gelatin to the jam and remove from the heat.
  • Then pour it all on top of the filling with yogurt and  store it in the fridge for two hours.

You are ready! You have a delicious cheesecake with yogurt and blueberries. This wonderful recipe will not require much of your valuable time.

Therefore, one should choose a dessert made with blueberries

This cheesecake contains little sugar because most of the ingredients are sugar free and it is also not made with processed or commercial products.

If you are trying to stay in shape without opting for tasty and sweet desserts, then  this recipe is the one to choose.

Blueberries are a very nutritious ingredient that will leave you full no matter how you cook them.

In addition to all of the above, one should be sure to choose ingredients that are cholesterol free and rich in vitamins C and K as well as fiber. That way, one’s dessert can be a refreshing diuretic.

Blueberries also contain flavonoids, which help boost one’s memory and improve learning and cognitive function. They can even reduce one’s risk for certain diseases, such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.

Eating one cup of blueberries a day is recommended. But if you do not enjoy them, you can also choose a variety of this food, such as blueberry jam, which is the main ingredient in this dessert.

Without a doubt, this is a very healthy choice, because in addition to all the above, this recipe contains dairy products that are rich in calcium and good for one’s bones.

This healthy and complete dessert  is something that you can now make at home thanks to this simple recipe.

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