How To Fight Insomnia

We have all tried to suffer from insomnia at some point in our lives; you turn and turn in the hope of finding a way in which you can calm down, but the next day you still wake up exhausted and with pain in your body.
How to fight insomnia

In this article we will talk about how to fight insomnia. What opportunities do you have to achieve that feeling of waking up in the morning, well rested and fresh, without resorting to sleeping pills?

How to fight insomnia

Changes in your normal sleep pattern can have major consequences for your daily life and can prevent you from reaching the recommended REM cycle. Insomnia can come from many different reasons, such as stress, anxiety, hunger and emotional pressure. When your sleep cycle is interrupted, insomnia becomes a vicious circle that eats away at you both physically and mentally. Because when the sun rises after a long night without sleep, your body and brain are not well rested at all.

Why is insomnia dangerous?

Your body suffers when you do not get enough sleep. If you wake up in the middle of the night, your body’s systems begin to break down. Your immune system is the one that gets hit the hardest. Lack of sleep has been linked to cancer and diabetes. It can also affect your weight, affect your memory and concentration, and affect your ability to make decisions.

Person drinking a cup with a sheep

The body’s production of melatonin, which is a naturally produced hormone, is greatly reduced when one suffers from insomnia. The inability to fall asleep can also have other detrimental side effects to your physical well-being; among other things, it increases stress levels and contributes to the development of cardiovascular disease, stomach ulcers, constipation and depression.

Good advice for a good night’s sleep

If you feel that you are tired and lack energy during the day and just really want a good night’s sleep, you have several options. Here in the article you will find some good advice that can help you if you are fighting insomnia:

Keep the worries out of the bedroom

If you are lying and thinking about the thing you forgot to do today, a conflict with your boyfriend that you did not get resolved or those bills that you still have to pay, it can be really hard to fall asleep. Whatever the concerns are about the mortgage or wedding plans, then you can get a deeper and more restful sleep if you are able to leave them outside the bedroom. If you lie in bed and think about all the problems you still can not solve right now, you will only achieve to feel even more stressed than you were before. 

If you overthink your problems so much that you lie sleepless over them, you should try visualization: Imagine you are on a beach watching the sunset or sitting on the edge of a calm river, in a forest or your very own, personal favorite place as long as it makes you relax. You can use sound to help you relax and slip into sleep.

Stop planning

If you think you can spend the many hours before you fall asleep laying out future plans, think again. Set aside another time to make your shopping list or think about what life will be like after you get married. Just like when you think about your problems, planning requires a mental focus and drains. Instead, divert your thinking to good things in life, such as trying to get into a relaxed, stress-free mental space where your mind and body can rest.

Woman who can not sleep

Go for a walk

Get up and go for a walk or take a hot bath to completely relax. If it usually helps you to read a book to get sleepy, try to do so, but keep in mind that you make it easier for yourself to fall asleep if your body is in a natural sleeping position. Even with your favorite author at hand, you will quickly be able to feel yourself dozing off. It is recommended that you only engage in the same activity for up to half an hour. Make sure to keep the light dim and focus on the activity you are doing to create a relaxed atmosphere.

Turn off the screen

Mobile phones, TVs, iPads and tablets are all distractions that keep you awake without making you particularly productive. Studies have shown that the electronic light that comes from these products can trick your brain into thinking that it is still day. We recommend that you put away everything that reminds you of work or everyday activities associated with mental stress. This means that you turn off the computer and put the phone away.

Couple lying in bed looking at their mobile

Think about what you drink

Some people claim that a cup of tea or even before bedtime helps you fall asleep. The truth is that both liquids contain sugars and caffeine, which will only make insomnia worse.

Tea, coffee and the like are actually stimulating. At first, they may have a calming effect, but it will quickly subside and make you more alert. We recommend that you drink only small amounts of your favorite beverage late at night.

Avoid sleep robbers

There are a few extra things you can do to avoid interrupting your precious night’s sleep. If you find it easy to fall asleep but wake up several times in the middle of the night, you may want to make a few changes to your sleeping environment to make sure you can sleep through the night.

Other good tips: How to fight insomnia

  • Make sure your bedroom is dark and cool.
  • Turn off your phone
  • Put your alarm and cell phone away from your bed
Woman who is awake at 3 o'clock at night
  • Use an alarm clock that has a pleasant sound – it should not be too intrusive or annoying. 
  • Only use your bed to in. This means that you should neither work nor eat in your bedroom.
  • Try to have a quiet bedroom away from your spouse, children or pets
  • Go to bed early and make it a routine to fall asleep right away.
  • Set a fixed bedtime
  • Make a regular bedtime routine (brush your teeth, put clothes on until the next day, throw your clothes in for washing)
  • Avoid consuming fluids for at least two hours before bedtime.
  • Go to the toilet just before going to bed so you avoid having to get up in the middle of the night.
  • Eat fruit or a high-protein snack three hours before going to bed.
  • Avoid foods that contain processed sugar, fat and.
  • Take a warm bath before going to bed.
  • Wear socks to help you stabilize your body temperature
  • Be sure to end your workday at least two hours before your scheduled bedtime
  • Turn off the television and other electronics one hour before going to bed.
  • Play music that makes you relax or helps create a calm environment so you can fall asleep.
  • Read an uplifting book or a self-help book before going to bed to give yourself a sense of inner peace.
  • Cut down on alcohol and coffee in your diet

As you begin to incorporate these small changes into your sleep routine, you will notice that your sleep cycle returns to normal. You will wake up and feel rested and ready to start your day.

Now you know how to fight insomnia so you can start getting a good night’s sleep!

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