How To Control Cholesterol And Fat Burning

Poor cholesterol in the bloodstream increases the risk of blockages in the arteries and cardiovascular damage.
How to control cholesterol and fat burning

Here we explain how to control cholesterol and fat burning at the same time. If you are diagnosed with high cholesterol, it is important that you immediately start changing your eating habits: that is, reduce your intake of fat and other foods that are rich in cholesterol. A healthy diet is the key to reducing cholesterol levels and the associated risks they pose to your health. Fortunately, in addition to changing your diet, there are other effective ways you can lower your cholesterol levels, while also having other benefits such as promoting fat burning and weight loss.

Green juice

In today’s article we will share a recipe for a drink made from lemon and parsley – two ingredients that you probably already know, have excellent properties for healthy health, and which can also control cholesterol and burn fat.

Parsley is a well-known herb. It is widely used throughout the world as it is versatile and tastes good in various dishes. Parsley is also known for its diuretic properties. It has the ability to remove excess water from the body as well as toxins that can adversely affect your health.

The main benefits of parsley come from its high content of essential oils and flavonoids. They are responsible for the internal and external benefits to the body. In addition, parsley has significant amounts of vitamins C, A and K, which are essential for maintaining a healthy immune system and keeping your body free of infections and diseases.

Regular consumption of parsley helps to remove toxins in the bloodstream, while also fighting cholesterol and stimulating good circulation. This is why this ingredient is a good component to improve the health of the blood vessels and prevent cardiovascular problems.


Thanks to the high content of vitamin C, antioxidants and natural essential oils, lemons are also a good source for cleansing the arteries and fighting cholesterol. Lemon prevents cholesterol from sticking to the artery walls and also stimulates the removal of the cholesterol that has already been deposited, which helps you avoid any negative effects on your circulation.

The antioxidants found in lemons help fight free radicals, while eliminating fluids and toxins that have accumulated in the body and can adversely affect your health. Regular intake of lemon juice can also help burn more fat and provide weight loss.

When you combine the benefits of parsley and lemon, you get a powerful drink that helps regulate your blood cholesterol levels and fight disease. In addition, regular consumption of this beverage will promote weight loss, combat fluid retention, improve kidney health and prevent premature aging caused by free radicals.


  • 1.5 liters of water
  • 3 bunches of parsley
  • ca. 900 grams of lemons
  • A pinch of baking powder

Here’s how you do it

  • When shopping, try to find organic lemons to make sure you avoid traces of pesticides and chemicals. It is always a good idea to wash them in water mixed with baking soda to give them a thorough disinfection.
  • After washing the lemons, cut them into slices and set them aside.
  • Boil the water. Add the lemons and the chopped parsley and let it cool.
  • Cover the mixture thoroughly and store in the refrigerator.
  • drink approx. 100 ml of the drink a day.

It is a good idea to drink it in the morning to get the benefits of the drink during the day. For best results, try drinking it regularly until you experience a drop in cholesterol levels.

Remember that your results depend on your diet and the lifestyle you lead. Try to avoid bad habits that have a negative impact on cholesterol levels, such as alcohol consumption, smoking and a sedentary lifestyle.

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