How To Advise Your Children

One of the foundations of a healthy relationship with your children is effective and loving communication, in addition to the time you spend with them. Find out more here.
How to give your children advice

Educating your children so that they can develop their maximum potential and play their role in society is not an easy task. For this you need to learn how to most easily approach your children. That way, you can advise them and prevent them from making mistakes. So how do you advise your children? Read on and find out.

If you do not learn to approach them when you want to offer them advice or help that they have not asked for, they may reject you. Therefore, it is important to maintain good communication with your children and find out how to give your children advice without destroying your bonds.

How to advise your children

You must learn to communicate as a family, to express your opinion and to empathetically understand your children’s feelings. Then you can promote a bond built on the foundation of love.

It is important to learn to approach your children when they are young. If you do not dedicate time and do not create space for conversation while they are young, you are unlikely to be able to engage in honest and productive dialogues with them when they reach adolescence.

Tips for getting closer to your kids

Mother sitting with her sow
  • If you have several children, it is a good idea to talk to each one separately and dedicate time so that both can fit. This must be done regularly.
  • When they are small, it is a good way to get close to them if you play with them. When we play with our children, we notice and feel our interest as parents towards them and their activities.
  • Watching a family movie also helps you get things in common with your kids. This also opens the door to conversations about what they were thinking about, what they saw and knowing their views, knowing their way, how they see things and their personality.
  • Hug and kiss your children. Avoid physical contact. It is fundamental to strengthen the emotional bond that brings us closer to them.
  • In addition, spend time together as a family. The time they spend in front of the television or playing video games alone should be short. Otherwise they become easily isolated.
  • Give your children a healthy and valuable gift like books and games that, in addition to developing their abilities, make them play together and create an instant emotional connection.

Other important tips to get closer and how to give your kids advice

  • Make family meals at least twice a week. Dinner or lunch on the weekend helps to unite the family. It is also important that your children cooperate in the preparation of the food. With this, they will learn to cook and the value of the collaboration.
  • It is important to plan trips or family outings to spend time together and have new experiences. This also unites you very much as a family.
  • Teaching your children sports such as skateboarding, cycling or swimming is a valuable experience for them, which also strengthens the connection between parents and children.

What we should not do with our children

A mother with her two children

Generalize and say that they always do something wrong, or that they never do anything good, it lowers their self-esteem. With these kinds of affirmations, your children may come to believe that they are really not good at anything.

Similarly, ridicule or the use of sarcasm and irony has an equally negative influence, even if it is unintentional. The truth is that more than entertaining them, it will make them feel inferior and humiliated.

Another thing you should not do is give authoritative orders repeatedly, whether or not your children have any objection. This promotes the feeling that you do not understand them and that they should follow the adult regulations without being able to question them in any case.

Nor must we shout at them and argue for problems that have already been solved that are not related to the current ones. Similarly, predictive looks usually prevent dialogue with our children.

On the other hand, labeling them by converting a negative behavior, into a personality trait definitely means complete rejection.

In addition, you should never discredit your children or preach to them at inappropriate times. Instead, call on their attention so you can talk in private in a proper way without offending them.


The best thing we can do as parents is to try to stay calm when we talk to our children. It is important to keep in mind that if we are always in a bad mood, it will be very difficult to talk to them.

Having discussions with our children in the negative emotional state will lead us to express ourselves badly, leading to saying words we may regret. If we allow that to happen, our children will shut off more to our company, and even more to our counsel.

We hope you’ve got some ideas on how to give your kids advice. It gives some food for thought and may require small changes in everyday life.

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