Homemade Chicken Or Beef Empanada

Find out everything you need to know about these wonderful empanada recipes and get motivated to make some! Get ready to pamper your taste buds!
Homemade chicken or beef empanada

Homemade chicken or beef empanada is as delicious as it is easy to make. They are part of cultural and culinary traditions around the world. However, their origin is unknown and there are many versions.

Homemade chicken or beef empanada

Many places have homemade recipes for beef and chicken empanadas. Every home and every region has its very own ingredient that makes them stand out.

In this article, we take a look at a great recipe!

The origin of chicken and beef empanada.


Empanadas arrived in Spain thanks to the Arabs who borrowed the idea from the Persians. In other words, we are talking about a kind of food whose history goes back a long way.

In short , an empanada is some filling covered with dough. They can be made with an endless variety of ingredients. Even the preparation of the dough varies from one city to the next.

There are texts from 1520 that mention an empanada with fish.

  • Empanadas gained popularity in Spain.
  • Then they spread to different parts of Europe and found their way to America.
  • Many cities around the world have their own versions.

Some of the most famous are those from Galicia, Chile and Argentina. Venezuela also has its own version made with pre-cooked cornmeal, which is then fried. But the vast majority of empanadas are baked.

Homemade Chicken or Beef Empanada: What Do They Look Like?

Empanada from Chile

There are many kinds of empanadas all over the world and there are also different shapes and sizes. There are large and small, smaller ones are usually served as a snack or as an appetizer. There are medium sized ones served for breakfast. Then there are larger ones that can be as big as a large plate.

In addition, some empanadas are round and others are crescent-shaped. Empanadas from Galicia and Portugal come in the form of a large pie. It can be cut and divided into different pieces.

The majority of empanadas use onions and garlic as a base, in other words, they are usually sour. There are also sweet empanadas and others that combine both flavors.

Homemade Galician Chicken Empanada Recipe

Tun empanada


  • 1 tomato (40g)
  • 1 red pepper (30g)
  • 300g chicken
  • 1 egg (60g)
  • 2 onions (300g)
  • Garlic, pepper and salt

Empanada dej


  1. First, put salt and pepper on the chicken breast and set it aside for 20 minutes.
  2. Chop the onions.
  3. Now chop the garlic and fry it together with the onions on a lightly oiled pan.
  4. Fry on medium heat, making sure to stir so it does not burn on.
  5. While the garlic is frying, now chop the red pepper (the pieces should not be small). Put them on the pan when the onions become translucent.
  6. The egg should be boiled and chopped before adding to the mixture.
  7. Cut the chicken breast into small pieces and place it on the pan. Then cut the tomatoes and crush them before putting them in the dough.
  8. Divide the dough into two parts.
  9. Flatten the first part out and get the ingredients from the pan on top.
  10. Now cover the filling with the other half of the dough.
  11. The edges are now sealed using a fork.

Put the dough in the oven

  • Now place the empanada in a preheated oven (200 degrees)
  • Bake for 30 minutes (more or less). Make sure to keep an eye on it so that it bakes well. Remember that the filling is already cooked.

Making the dough is simple and recipes with homemade chicken or beef empanada are very distinctive. Although empanadas have changed over time, their tastes remain.

There are many types of fillings and wonderful variations that contain ingredients in addition to chicken or beef. However, homemade chicken and beef empanadas will always be the most popular.

If you choose beef instead of chicken, the procedure will be pretty much the same. Follow the same steps. The amount of beef is of your choice. You can also use minced beef if you like.

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