Healing Hurts, The Pain Helps You Grow

What causes us the most pain are the things that involve our ties to other people. For example, a breakup or the loss of a loved one can create a void in us that can cause great pain. But how can we keep this wound open? How do we prevent it from healing naturally, like a wound or a tear?
Healing hurts, the pain helps you grow

To be able to make peace with the past, we cannot ignore it. We must not forget that healing hurts, but it is the only way we can move forward.

Healing hurts because you have to touch the wounds, open them up and leave them whole.

Sometimes we avoid looking at the parts of us that are not healed. We ignore them as if they will disappear if we do. However, it is nothing more than an illusion.

Woman crying

For those who do not want to touch these wounds, they will continue to ache. Disregarding them hampers the ability to heal and close the chapter.

The only way is to keep them open.

Healing hurts, but this pain is necessary

We have all been through periods in our lives where a situation that has affected us in one way or another requires all of us to overcome.

What causes us the most pain are the things that involve our ties to other people. For example, a breakup or the loss of a loved one can create a void in us that can cause great pain.

But how can we keep this wound open? How do we prevent it from healing naturally, like a wound or a tear?

We avoid healing through various processes that keep us from accepting the adversity we face.

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keep seeking refuge from the pain

Healing hurts the most when we try to seek refuge from the pain. We are already in pain, it is burning, but we keep moving. We thrive in our misfortune and we avoid healing it.

It is easy to feel like a victim in these situations. Things like “where am I just unlucky”, or “why do all the terrible things happen to me”, as well as other regrets about everyday life, are heard daily.

We are not victims, nor is the world against us. This only intensifies the pain of the wound that will not heal until we accept what has happened. No matter how much we fight it, nothing will change.

Chronic victim mentality

Look the other way, divert attention

At some point you have been through a difficult time and have been told that you should “go out with friends” or “do not stay home and feel sorry for yourself, distract yourself”.

This can be helpful when trying to avoid feeling like a victim, but do not drive it to extremes and turn a blind eye and pretend nothing has happened. Because by doing so, we learn nothing.

Even if we try to change the perspective of things, the wound will continue to be there, create problems and be just as painful, or even more so, than before.

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The value of your experience

Our experiences are of great value, which is why healing is painful. Only through pain can we learn something, grow and mature.

Although we may not believe it, it is the case that when everything goes well, we are not aware of it, but when things get difficult, everything changes.

Have you ever thought that it is when you lie sick in bed that you realize the value of being healthy? Other times, you might take it for granted.

This demonstrates how much we can learn when the world seems to be against us and everything is tumbling around us.

Woman on flower field

Maybe it’s because we’ll have to take a step back and stop so we can begin to realize what really matters, because sometimes we live life on autopilot.

Healing is painful, but the bad experiences are not completely wasted. We can use them as an opportunity to appreciate the good times and see the big in the small so we can enjoy life to the fullest.

Pain helps us grow and we can neither ignore it nor hide it away in distractions. It’s there for a reason!

When we embrace the pain and face it, we can heal it faster, thereby avoiding reveling in our suffering and prolonging the pain unnecessarily.

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