Get Slim Thighs With This Weekly Diet

In addition to a balanced diet, exercise is essential for weight loss and slim thighs. Do not forget that in order to lose weight, you need to burn more calories than you eat.
Get slim thighs with this weekly diet

The thighs are known to be one of the most difficult areas to slim down on the body, but most diets are focused on the abdominal area. Find out the best diet to  slim down your thighs  in this article and say goodbye forever to the fat on your legs!

It is well known that exercise is one of the most effective ways to maintain a slim body. Diet is the other half of the equation that leads to the best results.   Women commonly accumulate fat on the hips, thighs and buttocks, all of which are difficult areas to slim down. Participating in sports can help slim arms, abdomen and back, and reveals a lower body with a slightly larger girth than we like.

In addition to exercisea balanced diet is therefore essential to achieve your goal of slimming your thighs.  Do not forget to drink two liters of water a day in winter and three in the summer months, whether you are thirsty or not. The extra water intake will reduce fluid retention and dissolve fats and cellulite in this area of ​​the body.


What foods should I eat to slim down my thighs and hips?

A change in your diet may mean better results, but that does not mean you have to skip meals or starve yourself, it would be counterproductive.  There is no food with magical powers to slim hips, legs and thighs overnight. But by choosing the right foods, you can reduce your calorie intake and get the body you have always dreamed of.

Choose foods that help burn fat

Green tea, garlic, grapefruit, ginger, chili peppers and soy can help boost your metabolism to some degree and can help if you want to lose weight. But as we said before, there are no miracle plants to instantly burn fat.

Reduce your calorie intake

If there were foods that could burn fat at night, we would all try them. However, they do not exist. So  you need to reduce the number of calories you consume each day. Eat more  fruits  and vegetables for their intake of fiber, water and nutrients, while avoiding the fats you find in other foods.


Plan your diet

A good, healthy and balanced diet is just what you need to lose weight on difficult areas like thighs and hips. Therefore, you need to  plan your meals and eat a wider variety of foods, avoiding fats and refined flours and sugars.

A diet to slim the thighs

This complete diet plan should be supplemented with an exercise for at least 2-3 days a week, focusing on the areas where you want to burn fat. Squats, steps,  cycling, skipping rope, jogging, running or walking are all excellent exercises to supplement any diet.


Breakfast: tea with lemon, a glass of orange juice and a slice of wholemeal bread with sugar-free jam.

Morning snack: Eat a piece of fruit (a pear for example).

Lunch: Lentils with a piece of skinless grilled chicken, a slice of wholemeal bread and a  simple tea.

Afternoon: A glass of skim milk or a cup of coffee

Dinner: Roasted potatoes with 200 grams of cold-water fish as hake.


Breakfast: A glass of skim milk, orange juice and a slice of wholemeal bread with low-fat cream cheese.

Morning snack: An apple.

Lunch: A pasta dish, a burger with grilled tomatoes and  olive oil, a slice of wholemeal bread and a plum.

Afternoon: A glass of skim milk.

Dinner: Fish and a slice of wholemeal bread.

Healthy Dinner


Breakfast: A cup of skim milk, a grain product without added sugar and a glass of orange juice.

Morning snack: An apple or a pear.

Lunch: Soup with vegetables and rice, tuna cannelloni without sauce, a slice of wholemeal bread and an orange.

Afternoon: Low-fat yogurt.

Dinner: Soup with vegetables and rice and fat-free yogurt.


Breakfast: A glass of skim milk, orange juice and a bran muffin.

Morning snack: A pear

Lunch: Squid with ink over rice, a slice of wholemeal bread and a kiwi.

Afternoon: Low-fat yogurt.

Dinner: Rice salad with halibut and a fat-free yogurt.



Breakfast: A cup of skim milk with a grain product without added sugar and a glass of orange juice.

Morning snack: An  apple

Lunch: A small portion of pasta, two ham croquettes, a slice of rye bread and a kiwi.

Afternoon: An orange

Dinner: A dish with  mashed potatoes, a ham omelette, a slice of wholemeal bread and a peach for dessert.


Breakfast: A glass of skim milk, orange juice and a slice of wholemeal bread with low-fat cream cheese.

Morning snack: An apple.

Lunch: A slice of wholemeal bread with ham and a mandarin.

Afternoon: Low-fat  yogurt.

Dinner: Vegetable soup, a fillet of cold-water fish as hake, a slice of wholemeal bread and a pineapple for dessert.


Choose a meal plan from one of the previous days. You may well eat something else for lunch (a dish as you wish).

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