Foods That Can Aggravate Migraines

Some foods contain the substance histamine, which can cause headaches. Instead of taking medication, we suggest staying away from certain foods that may aggravate the symptoms.
Foods that can aggravate migraines

Everyone has different triggers. However, there are certain foods that can aggravate migraines. Read about some of them here.

You probably already know the various causes of migraines and headaches. These include e.g. too much work or too little rest. But did you know that there are some foods that can aggravate migraines? In the following article we will tell you what these are.

Thunder over woman's head

What causes migraines?

Some foods contain the substance histamine, which can cause headaches. Instead of taking medication, we suggest staying away from certain foods that may aggravate the symptoms.

Migraines can occur at any time of the day and last for several hours. Light and sound can aggravate the symptoms. In severe cases, migraines are seen with vomiting, diarrhea and dizziness.

Stress, lack of sleep, workload and common everyday problems can cause severe headaches. They can also be triggered by smells, sounds, changes in the air and even hormonal changes.

However, there are many who do not know that the food they eat can also cause migraines. In some cases, they may even be due to food intolerance. The immune system must “fight” these elements, and this produces the substances that cause the headache.

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Foods that can aggravate migraines.

It is a good idea to be aware of what one is eating or has eaten up to a migraine attack.

It may be due to other things, but it is likely due to things in the diet. These are foods that can aggravate migraines.

  • 1. Beans

All kinds of beans contain tannic acid. It is a drug that can cause migraines. To reduce the symptoms, it is a good idea to stay away from beans as much as possible. Or not at all. You may be able to feel the difference.

  • 2. Pickled cucumbers

In fact, pickled cucumbers are not the only problem. It is also about other canned foods like

  • Pebre
  • eggplant
  • olive
  • carrots

Try to avoid everything that is made by processes that include salt water and vinegar.

Red chili
  • 3.chilipeber

Unfortunately, if you are one of those people who loves Mexican food, you will have to cut back on the strong food you eat. The capsaicin in chili peppers can cause headaches or aggravate migraines. This is especially true if one eats it during a seizure.

  • 4. Nuts

Nuts are delicious, full of protein and satisfy hunger. However, they are not good if one suffers from regular migraines.

Almonds, walnuts and cashews (among others) contain a substance called sulphite, which can cause pain and discomfort.

  • 5. Avocado and plums

We have put these under the same category. This is because they contain the same migraine trigger compound: tyramine.

If one likes to eat avocado as dessert instead of candy and cake, you should stay away from them.

  • 6. Bananas and citrus fruits

The combination of tyramine and histamine in these fruits can cause migraines.

This does not mean that you should stop eating bananas and citrus fruits. After all, they are good for health. The idea is to reduce the amount you consume. You can also completely avoid them if you suffer from migraines.

rice flour and eggs to straighten your hair
  • 7. Mel

Whole grain flour is healthier than refined flour. The truth is, though, that both can cause migraines. This is because they contain a natural chemical called coumarin. This is strengthened when it comes in contact with leavening agents.

As a result, we recommend that you reduce your intake of bread, pizza, pasta and cakes if you have a migraine.

  • Processed meat

Cold cuts, ham, sausages and bacon contain many substances that can aggravate the headache.

Not only do these foods contain tyramine. They are also made with preservatives and other chemicals.

Also read: 7 foods that are bad for your digestive system

  • 9. Ost

This is especially true of aged and fermented cheese. These are the cheeses that have been stored for years using many different techniques. It can e.g. be smoking and salting. They are stronger in taste and can make migraines worse.

Cheese and eggs
  • 10. Dairy products

Cream and whole milk are the fattest dairy products. Because of this, one should avoid it if one has a lot of headache.

There is also casein and choline in. These are two compounds that are related to discomfort and food intolerance.

Finally, butter, yogurt and skim milk can also make the symptoms worse.

  • 11. Alcohol

It is not only bad for health if you drink it in larger quantities. Alcohol also contains tyramine, which can cause headaches, dizziness and disorientation.

On the other hand, one should not drink red wine. This is because in addition to tyramine, it also contains sulfur and tannic acid, which can aggravate the symptoms.

We recommend that you do not drink alcohol when you have a headache. Drink water or juice instead.

  • Chocolate and coffee

Both have caffeine and tannic acid, as well as other compounds that can cause headaches. Decaffeinated coffee can also trigger migraines. This is especially true if you use milk in.

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