Fantastic Treatment With Bay Leaves And Cinnamon For Weight Loss

In addition to promoting better digestion and preventing flatulence, tea made with bay leaves and cinnamon is very filling. So it will help one to avoid cuddling.
Fantastic treatment with bay leaves and cinnamon for weight loss

In this article, we will suggest an  excellent treatment for weight loss, which is made with bay leaves and cinnamon.

It is not as such a “miracle cure”, but it is instead a means to help one’s body to better handle the stubborn fat that can be so hard to get rid of.

This natural tea is made with two amazing ingredients for one’s overall well-being. Yet one has to remember something important:  one must not abuse it.

If you exceed the recommended amount of bay leaves, for example, you may experience some unpleasant side effects.

The key, therefore, is to find a balance. If you maintain a varied diet and make a cup of this tea part of your diet right after meals, then you will be able to feel some wonderful benefits.

It is an aromatic drink that is also good for one’s digestion  and overall health. You will get better and it is worth finding out more.

Below we will explain what it can do for you.

Treatment with bay leaves and cinnamon, an old tradition

It is possible that some have never heard of the laurel tree. It is the source of bay leaves. This is a perennial that has several different properties. And it  is especially used in dishes from the Mediterranean.

The Greeks and Romans, for example, made bay leaves a part of their traditions for centuries. They especially appreciated it for its digestive, expectorant, nourishing and even curing properties.

  • In fact, the Latin word means for laur, “laurus”, “prize or winner”. It  represents the characteristics of power and properties.

Here you have a plant that is considered something big in the world within natural medicine. And when combined with wonderful spices, such as cinnamon, it can turn into a good treatment that is worth trying.

We will explain why it is a good idea to make it a part of your regular diet.

A digestive treatment with bay leaves

Laurel leaves in a bowl

Both cinnamon and bay leaves are characterized by their antiseptic, digestive and diuretic effects.

Something as simple as  drinking a cup of this tea right after a meal will help one to improve his digestion  and avoid both flatulence and too much stomach acid.

  • At the same time  , it will also help to avoid urinary tract infections. These two ingredients allow one’s body to deal with E. coli bacteria and the fungus known as candida, which causes vaginal infections.
  • You may be interested in learning that in Asian dishes, it is very common to combine cinnamon with bay leaves in many different recipes.

Not only do they provide an amazing taste, but they also have a  satiating effect that will keep one from getting hungry between meals.

A treatment with bay leaves with many nutrients

Cinnamon sticks

As you already know, tea is usually not known for its high nutrient content. However, this is not the case with this tea.

It naturally balances one’s health and well-being, so that one can meet every day at its highest level.

In addition to being a cleansing, diuretic, satiating and digestive tea , it will also give one the following:

  • A-, C- and B-complex vitamins, as well as niacin, riboflavin, pyridoxine, pantothenic acid and folic acid.
  • It is also a source of minerals  (calcium, potassium, manganese, magnesium, copper, iron, selenium and zinc).

It regulates one’s metabolism

Combining cinnamon and bay leaves is a great way to regulate your metabolism.

Laurel leaves, for example, not only help remove toxins; they also reduce the amount of uric acid in one’s body and help control high blood sugar.

  • Both laurel and cinnamon improve your blood circulation, nurture your liver and speed up your metabolism, so you can burn fat more easily.
  • Another important fact that we should note is that  this drink is very suitable for diabetics.

However, you should keep in mind that you can not consume the bay leaves themselves: you should always remember to remove them from your dishes when serving them or when drinking your tea.

How to make this treatment with bay leaves and cinnamon

Tea and cinnamon


  • 1 liter of water
  • 2 sticks cinnamon
  • 5 bay leaves

Course of action

You can find both bay leaves and cinnamon in any health store. One should use dried bay leaves and cinnamon sticks, not the crushed type. This will make one’s tea provide as many benefits as possible.

  • The preparation is very easy. All you have to do is heat a liter of water in a saucepan. When it boils, add bay leaves and cinnamon.
  • Let it stand and soak for 20 minutes. Then remove it from the burner and let it stand and soak for at least half an hour.
  • Then the only thing to do is to sift the liquid. You can store it in a glass bottle for later use.
  • Drink this liquid during the day. Take one cup in the morning on an empty stomach and the following cups after each meal. One can repeat this treatment two to three times a week to see how the result will be.

If you maintain a healthy diet and get a little bit of exercise,  then this tea will help one to lose weight much easier.

It is worth it!

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