Did You Know That Crying Is Good For Your Health?

Crying releases two kinds of hormones that act as natural anesthetics and are analgesic. Tears also help us remove toxins that accumulate in the body due to stress.
Did you know that crying is good for your health?

For a long time, tears were considered a sign of weakness in a person because just crying symbolized an immature personality. It was also thought that some people cry because they do not want to take responsibility for their mistakes and just want to get some sympathy. But it turns out that crying is good for our health and is a natural process.

When we are sad – and when we express it by crying – the body automatically releases chemicals that play the role of a natural sedative and help to dull our perception of pain. Crying releases two kinds of hormones called opioids and oxytocin and they make feelings of pain seem less strong. In this way, they act as a natural anesthetic, giving us inner peace and a little “kick”.

In a nutshell, crying is a good exercise that helps us keep our body healthy – it is necessary to allow ourselves to cry when we are depressed or worried about something. When the tears come it is a very natural process and after we grieve we tend to feel a little calm.

Tears can also express feelings of joy and excitement, but they most often appear in bad times as a symbol of anxiety and deep pain. But what other benefits can they have on our health?

They are good for our vision

Tears help avoid dehydration of the mucous membranes of the eyes, keep them lubricated and well moisturized, which helps maintain your eyes in good shape. Experts also say that if someone does not have the capacity to shed tears, their eyesight can get worse more easily.

They kill some bacteria

Crying can kill some types of bacteria.

Tears have the ability to kill certain bacteria because they contain a compound called lysozyme. It protects us from bacteria that cause colds, for example.

Tears from crying can also remove toxins

The tears – which we let run when we experience a strong feeling or pain and when our crying is difficult to soothe – are part of an excellent form of therapy that helps remove toxins that have accumulated in the body due to stress .

They help reduce stress

Tears running from our eyes are similar to those excreted from the body when we sweat, so both are great ways to lower a high stress level.

They improve the mood


When we cry, we release large amounts of manganese. This has a calming effect because high levels of manganese in the body can cause fatigue, irritability, depression, anxiety, and other disorders that can severely affect our emotional stability.

Always remember this!

Now that you know the benefits that a good cry can have for your emotional health, it is important to remember that one should never try to hold back tears. Fighting the urge to cry can hurt the whole body by blocking the release of anxiety and negative emotions. These feelings that have accumulated will be concentrated and trigger something much worse with time.

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