Detoxifying And Cleansing Cure With Lemon, Ginger And Cucumber

Lemon, ginger and cucumber all help fight fluid retention in the body and supply it with vitamins and minerals. In addition, ginger improves the absorption of nutrients.
Detoxifying and cleansing cure with lemon, ginger and cucumber

Good physical and emotional health is one of the keys to a good quality of life, even as you get older. There are many things we can do to improve our health and prevent many of the diseases that can come with age. One thing we can do to improve our quality of life is to regularly consume a detoxifying and cleansing diet so that we get rid of all the waste products we do not need. Here you get a detoxifying and cleansing cure, to remove all the waste from your body.

Our body accumulates a large amount of toxins and waste products that can affect the function of various vital organs and, which in the long run, can affect our health. These toxins stem from, among other things, a poor diet, pollution of the environment, the use of chemicals or even from a sedentary lifestyle.

Therefore, we should try to detox and cleanse the body regularly to remove all these unnecessary waste products.

There are many options for naturally detoxifying and cleansing the body to improve health. In this article, we will show a detoxifying and cleansing diet using lemon, ginger and cucumber which will help detoxify the body and improve our quality of life.

This detoxifying and cleansing cure, consists of preparing a drink with lemon, ginger and cucumber, which are three natural ingredients with cleansing and detoxifying properties. The drink should be consumed on an empty stomach, every morning and then two liters during the day.

During this diet, it is important to eliminate all processed foods, sugars, fats, dairy products and salt from your diet. The drink should be complimented with a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, grains and lean meats.

This drink is very easy to prepare and will have incredible benefits for your health. Lemon, cucumber and ginger generally act as an aid in removing toxins from the body and even help you lose weight.


  • 1 lemon or lime
  • 1/2 cucumber
  • 1/2 ginger
  • 1 sprig fresh mint
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml – 6.75 ounces)

How do I cook it?

To make this detoxifying and cleansing drink, just wash and disinfect the lemon, cucumber and ginger as well as the mint leaves. Cut all the ingredients into slices, without removing the peel, and put them in a glass of water. Leave the mixture large overnight and the next day it is ready to be drunk. For the sake of taste, you can add ice cubes and honey.

Lemon, cucumber and ginger

Each of the ingredients in this drink has some very beneficial benefits for your body.

  • Lemon is a citrus fruit known for its detoxifying and cleansing qualities that can help remove waste from the body and initiate the cleansing process. This world-renowned fruit has a great medicinal effect thanks to its content of vitamin C, and antioxidants that help prevent disease. Lemon helps to improve digestion, prevents constipation, counteracts bloated stomach, promotes the removal of fluids from the body, and due to its high fiber content in the form of pectin, it helps in slowing the absorption of fats.
  •  Ginger has natural properties that have an anti-inflammatory effect, improve digestion and have a positive effect on the nervous system. One of its most important active ingredients is gingerol, which according to experts is created when dried and stored, and is the real reason for the wonderful properties of ginger. Ginger stimulates gastric juice and helps in the absorption of nutrients from food. It helps to activate the metabolism so that one burns fat and also promotes the removal of accumulated fluids.
  • Cucumber is a powerful diuretic ingredient that stimulates the removal of fluids accumulated in the body. It also helps improve digestion and promotes the removal of waste from the body, thus improving the health of the body. This vegetable has a low calorie content and a large amount of water and nutrients that benefit your health. It contains only 13 kcal. per 100 grams; it contains a small amount of vitamin A, and vitamins B, C and E. In addition to minerals such as potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and iron.

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