Detox Your Body With Pineapple And Papaya

If you are thinking of starting a detox cure, this article on a delicious pineapple and papaya detox cure is written for you! You will love it!
Detox your body with pineapple and papaya

Many health problems can be prevented by simply taking a little extra care of the body. Today we will show you the first steps towards detoxing your body with pineapple and papaya.

Papaya and pineapple are the main characters in this article. These fruits are so delicious and rich in healing properties, and when you combine them you get the full benefit of these properties. The most important are that they are great ways to burn fat and cleanse the body.

Their high content of vitamins and their low calorie content means that both fruits are able to cleanse your body of toxins and treat any problems that may affect your health. They also help speed up your digestion and they give you a feeling of satiety for a longer period of time.

Why should you try a detox cure?

You can minimize the damage that these toxins cause in your body by becoming more aware of a healthy lifestyle.

How do you do it?

By incorporating a cleansing detox cure into your routine.

This way you can be sure that a cleansing detox cure not only helps you lose weight – it also removes any toxins that may be harmful to your body. Plus, losing weight and having a better figure can be some of the good side effects of your decision to follow this cure!

Pineapple and papaya detox cure

pineapple slicing

A detox treatment should last between three and six days, and can help you kickstart your healthier lifestyle. In this detox cure, based on these two fruits, you need to remove red meat, dairy products, saturated fats and refined carbohydrates from your diet.

The primary source of nutrients will be smoothies made with pineapple and papaya. You can also add other low-fat sources of fiber to your smoothie. You should also drink plenty of water during the course. Drink the smoothie in the morning and in the evening before going to bed.

Properties of pineapple

Pineapple facilitates the digestion process because it contains water and fiber. In addition , it contains minerals such as zinc, magnesium and iron.

In addition to containing vitamins A, B and C, pineapple is a potent source of natural antioxidants. It is also a diuretic and can control constipation thanks to its high fiber and pectin content.

These properties facilitate your body’s absorption of sugar, which helps you control your blood pressure and prevent cardiovascular disease and diabetes. In that sense, pineapple can also help you with weight loss.

Properties of papaya

Experts will be able to tell you that papaya contains up to 90% water. It contains lots of vitamins, including A, B, C and D.

woman with papaya

The vitamin C content is so high that you only need 100 grams of this fruit to get your daily dose. Papaya is also rich in minerals such as potassium, calcium and magnesium.

Thanks to papain, an enzyme in papaya, this fruit can improve your digestion.

Check your hunger

Thanks to their high fiber content, pineapple and papaya will give you a feeling of satiety for a longer time, which helps control how much you eat. They also have a very low calorie content, making them perfect for controlling your appetite. These properties will help you achieve a healthy weight.

To regulate your appetite, eat 3 servings of these fruits every day, to achieve a balanced, healthy daily diet.

Papaya and pineapple smoothie


  • papaya
  • Pineapples
  • 2 cups almond milk (or water)
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • Ice cream, as needed
  • Cucumber or aloe vera, if desired


  • Wash, peel and cut out the fruits, and blend them in your blender until you have a liquid, uniform beverage.
  • Drink this smoothie for six days, at breakfast and at bedtime.
  • You can also add pineapple and papaya to your daily diet. Be sure to mix them with other high-fiber foods that are also low in fat.
pineapple smoothie

Other ways to enjoy these fruits

If you are on a detox cure you can enjoy pineapple and papaya in different ways. Here are some of the options you can try:


Here the fruits are prepared as a snack. Just cut out some pieces and put them on skewers. Then place them on the grill and new this delicious accompaniment to a main course.

In salads

You can add pineapple and papaya as a new and different addition to your salads. You can mix small pieces of these fruits with different vegetables to taste, and add a bit of vinaigrette dressing.

Like any other detox cure, creativity is crucial to your success. The natural and healing properties of these fruits are bell-ready, so do not miss this opportunity to heal your body and start a new lifestyle.

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