Delicious, Natural Drink That Can Nourish Your Thyroid Gland

Cranberries mixed with spices and lemon juice can help restore one’s thyroid gland. At the same time, it also improves the symptoms if the thyroid gland is not functioning optimally.
Delicious, natural drink that can care for your thyroid gland

Changes in one’s thyroid gland are more common in women than in men. There are generally many different things that can cause this. It is not always easy to detect when you experience a problem with this hormonal gland. Sometimes fatigue, worry and other changes such as hair loss or an increase in one’s weight can be related to some form of emotional illness or even depression. Fortunately, you can nurture your thyroid gland by drinking this natural beverage.

But before you start drawing your own conclusions, you need to talk to a doctor.

When one’s thyroid gland is disturbed, one may suffer from hypothyroidism. Every person is unique and you have to find the best treatment for your own needs.

One will also need to improve one’s lifestyle and in this case it can be a great help to make this delicious natural drink a part of one’s diet.

A delicious, natural drink to nourish your thyroid gland

We have to state that this natural drink is not a treatment for either hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism.

It is a daily supplement to take better care of your thyroid gland, and thus be able to better respond to symptoms such as:

  • Exhaustion
  • Dry skin
  • Mood swings
  • Lack of energy
  • Bad mood
  • Fluid retention
  • Weak hair and nails
  • A feeling of cold or heat

We will use the following ingredients. Below we will explain the properties of each ingredient.

You can easily nurture your thyroid gland by drinking this healthy and natural beverage


Cranberries are one of the richest antioxidant foods known. Not only that, but they also contain a fair amount of iodine.

So if one suffers from hyperthyroidism, it is best to avoid these. But in general, they can nurture and prevent any disease associated with one’s thyroid gland, and there is nothing better than a glass of natural cranberry juice.

Lemon juice

Do not forget to drink lemon juice every day. It makes it easier to digest food and regulate thyroid function.

Due to the acids, vitamins and minerals in lemon juice, it not only cleanses the body but it also enhances the body’s natural defenses by providing strength and energy.


  • When consumed in small and regular portions, nutmeg protects one’s metabolism and improves thyroid function.
  • It is also very powerful in fighting inflammation and fluid retention. It prevents blood clots and helps care for the skin by preventing it from becoming dry or losing its elasticity.


Natural spices are Mother Nature’s little treasures, and they can be used to care for one’s health.

  • Before you start using sugar and salt, spices can add a lot of flavor. So be sure to add a bit of cinnamon to your drinks as it helps protect one’s thyroid gland as well.
  • Cinnamon helps to speed up the metabolism. It is a spice that provides energy and at the same time also stimulates one’s thyroid gland.
  • Cinnamon also stabilizes one’s blood sugar and can therefore also help improve one’s body shape and overall health.


Do you have fresh ginger roots at home? If you have, then you also have a wonderful natural medicine for your thyroid gland.

  • Ginger fights inflammation and pain, and at the same time it gives new energy.
  • It has an antioxidant effect, which is excellent for skin care and to improve digestion.
  • If you often get headaches, or if you often feel exhausted, try drinking infusions of ginger. It has great effect on these conditions and it can replace pain medication sometimes.

How to prepare your natural drink

cranberry juice


  • The juice from 1 lemon
  • 100 grams of cranberries
  • 400 ml of water
  • 1/2 teaspoon grated ginger (2 grams)
  • 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon (2 grams)
  • 1/2 teaspoon nutmeg (2 grams)

Course of action

  • First, wash all cranberries thoroughly, then put them in a blender. It is important to use fresh ingredients, such as fresh ginger root, which can be grated to get half a teaspoon of it.
  • Press the lemon.
  • Combine cranberries, lemon juice, half the water and spices in a blender.
  • Blend until well blended, then pour into a glass. Add the remaining water.
  • It is best to drink the first glass immediately after you get up. The second glass should be drunk 15 minutes before one’s main meal during the day.

If you get used to drinking this natural drink 2 or 3 times a week, you will improve your health and care for your thyroid gland.

Why not try it today so you can care for your thyroid gland?

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