Centella – A Small But Strong Herb

Centella is recommended for women suffering from premenstrual syndrome as well as for those who always feel tired or tired as a result of daily activities.
Centella - a small but strong herb

Centella is a small plant used in Ayurvedic and traditional Chinese medicine. However, it is becoming more and more popular in the West. You may have seen it in health stores and wondered what it is for. In this article we tell about this powerful herb.

What is centella?

Centella is usually sold in the form of tablets in health food stores. But in some stores it is also sold as a plant for tea or even as a salad ingredient.

The stems are thin,   its leaves are long and its roots are beige. Its flowers and small and pink.

Centella is grown over three months and harvested by hand. Its scientific name is Hydrocotile Asiatica  and is  native  to India  . This healing plant has thousands of medicinal properties. In the East, it is better known as   Gotu Kola. It has been used for about 3,000 years   to cure various external and internal problems. 

To use it you can  add it to salads or smoothies  . In addition, you can also  prepare the leaves as a tea.

For external use, it is better to use both natural and organic products that can be found in stores (creams, lotions, gels, etc.)

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The properties of centella

Cantella tea properties

The periodic consumption of centella gives the body many benefits.

This is due to its several properties. Overall,  divides  the herb  antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and healing properties, in particular, out.

First of all, you can use it externally to   treat hemorrhoids, sprains, dermatitis and cellulite, for example. Some have even used it to   cure leprosy.

But  the best benefits come from its internal application  . In this case, centella is excellent for people with:

  • Wound
  • Anemia
  • Bronquitis
  • Hypertension
  • Dysentery

We can also get products with centella from health food stores. Thanks to its ability to form  collagen fibers   and elastin, we can also use it for:

  • Curing burns and healing wounds
  • Reduces wrinkles and stretch marks
  • Treatment of wounds.

Plus, the herb is also great for  maintaining healthy and strong hair and nails  (and for removing dandruff!).

Nails are cracked

An incredibly natural remedy

Given that it is a spectacular tonic for the blood vessels, centella is also good for  treating symptoms related to circulation.  These include phlebitis, tired leg syndrome, varicose veins and pins and needles.

It strengthens the blood vessels and gives the artery walls elasticity.  Therefore, it also helps those who suffer from   high blood pressure or cholesterol.

In addition, this plant is also good for  cleansing excess toxic or harmful substances that accumulate in the body. For this reason, many consider it a powerful diuretic for people with excess  weight  problems, fluid retention or urine and kidney disease.

Plus, it is also useful for  secreting toxins and fatty cysts that form in the breasts.

It can also help treat various mental problems. Ingestion of this plant is synonymous with enjoying greater tranquility. For this reason, it is recommended that people suffer from episodes of  severe anxiety or nervousness.

In addition, it  improves brain capacity by favoring concentration and improving memory.

Centella is   recommended for women suffering from premenstrual syndrome  as well as for those who always feel tired or tired as a result of daily activities.

Other benefits of centella

Of course, this powerful plant has dozens of other properties, and at least some of these deserve attention. This plant further also:

  • Delays the aging of the skin by helping to produce collagen
  • Treats blemishes and abscesses
  • Fights   mouth infections (like aphtha)
  • Eliminates eye infections and fights dryness (you can use it as eye drops)
  • Accelerates scarring after surgery.

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Centella and cellulite

After all, centella is  best known for its ability to reduce cellulite.

Cellulitis consists of the formation of nodules of fat, liquid and toxins under the skin, and centella  eliminates all these residues thanks to its diuretic properties.

There are many substances that are responsible for making it an effective plant against cellulite. They include fatty acids, tannins, phytosterols and mucous membranes.

This plant stimulates the lymphatic system and makes it possible to excrete waste   through the urine, sweat and feces.

It also activates circulation and increases watering and oxygenation of the skin.

To enjoy its effects, you can   take it orally or through an external massage treatment. The treatment is based on taking tablets or drops daily and  massaging  with creams or gels that contain centella  at least twice a week.

However, this technique is  not advisable for pregnant or breastfeeding women.

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