Anti-inflammatory Foods You Should Include In Your Diet

Inflammation is associated with several health problems, such as high blood pressure, asthma and diabetes. Therefore, it is essential to eat foods that reduce swelling, in order to prevent health problems.
Anti-inflammatory foods you need to include in your diet

Including anti-inflammatory foods in your diet can help you prevent getting health-related problems. Due to their nutritional value, you can strengthen your immune system, and prevent several health problems.

What are the best anti-inflammatory foods you can include in your diet? Have you ever noticed how often you eat them, as well as what amount your body needs?

Inflammation is associated with several health problems, such as high blood pressure, asthma and diabetes.

Therefore,  it is essential to eat swelling-reducing foods in order to prevent health problems. If you are very healthy and have not experienced any of these problems, it is never too early to prevent them.

Below you can take a look at a list of anti-inflammatory foods you should eat on a regular basis.

6 anti-inflammatory foods

1. Vegetables with green leaves are anti-inflammatory foods

leafy vegetables on a wooden table

Of the foods you put on your plate, make sure there is a good portion of vegetables with green leaves. They are one of the best anti-inflammatory foods, due to their antioxidants. When you consume them in the right amounts, they  help your cells regenerate. 

In case you do not like to eat certain green vegetables, you can always use them in a smoothie. That way, you will get their nutrients in a more delicious, and less boring, way.

Likewise, it is a good idea to switch between different, green vegetables. Although they are comparable, they can contribute different nutrients.

2. Blueberries

These small fruits from the forest are another anti-inflammatory food that you should include in your diet as much as possible. In addition to being delicious, they  can neutralize the effects of swelling, caused by fatty foods, or foods that are high in carbohydrates. 

This neutralizing effect occurs due to the fact that  carries rich on favonides,  a form of antioxidants that strengthen the immune system. In addition, they are a source of vitamin C and resveratrol, which are two components that can help reduce inflammation.

Due to all these benefits, it is recommended that you eat blueberries whenever you feel like something sweet. At the same time, you can use them to get rid of inflammation, without any major complications.

3. Natural oatmeal

Do you eat oatmeal for breakfast? If so, what type?

If the answer is “yes”, then it would be a good idea to make  sure you eat natural oatmeal. This is because natural oatmeal is an anti-inflammatory food.

In addition to being cheaper than spicy, commercial oatmeal, they are very healthy for you. Natural oatmeal can contribute  carbohydrates that pass through your stomach without causing any harm. This type of carbohydrate helps increase the growth of good bacteria, and can reduce oxidation and inflammation.

In case you are suffering from problems with insulin resistance or diabetes, oatmeal can help reduce this problem and swelling. Make sure you have them in your diet!

4. Celery

Celery is a vegetable that is delicious and easy to combine with other foods. In addition to the taste, it is a good, natural antioxidant and anti-inflammatory food. This is why this food is typically found in recipes that are  recommended for lowering blood pressure and cholesterol levels. 

A good time to eat it is  when you are experiencing bacterial infections or lack of potassium. If you eat processed foods on a regular basis, then celery is one of the anti-inflammatory foods you should include in your diet.

This is because processed foods are high in sodium, which is an element that can change your health in the long run. However, these effects are neutralized by eating potassium. In general, it is  recommended to have a balance of potassium and sodium in his diet.

Also read: Salt can be replaced with these 8 spices

5. Ginger

ginger and turmeric

Ginger has a chemical substance called gingerol. This substance is known to  reduce inflammation, as well as being a great antioxidant and antibacterial food. 

When it comes to swelling, gingerol helps reduce the discomfort caused by chronic rheumatoid arthritis. Some ways in which one can take advantage of it are, by using it as an extract, in the form of oil or directly from the root.

If you go for the latter,  you can drink it as a decoction or add a small piece of ginger to your smoothies. You can also take advantage of its distinctive taste in breads or soups so you can enhance your recipes.

Also read: How to rid your body of accumulated salt

6. Green tea – one of the amazing anti-inflammatory foods

Green tea is the last of the anti-inflammatory foods that you should include in your diet on a regular basis. This drink has become a favorite, in recent years, because it is  very beneficial for your health. 

Catechins are the substance that makes green tea a great choice for your health. This is a form of antioxidant found only in this beverage that fights inflammation.

Now that you know which foods have anti-inflammatory effects on your body, make sure you include them in your diet. Let these anti-inflammatory foods be your medicine!

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