8 Effective Means Of Treating Barley Grains

Outer barley grains typically occur in the hair follicles of the eyelashes, while inner barley grains sit on the inside of the eyelid in the sebaceous glands of the eyelid cartilage.
8 effective means of treating barley grains

Barley grain is caused by a bacterial infection that occurs close to the eye. It is quite harmless, and most often affects young people. We show you eight remedies for treating barley grains.

Outer barley grains typically occur in the sebaceous glands, which are located at the edge of the eyelids, at the root of the eyelashes, or in the sweat glands.

On the other hand, internal barley grains are the type that occur on the inner side of the eyelid.

The infection typically gives a reddish bulge on the affected eye. These dents are filled with water and inflammation and it is a bad idea to puncture them.

If the bacteria come out of the bulge, it can spread to the rest of the eye and produce more barley grains.

New barley grains are typically more painful. Fortunately, they do not pose a danger to eye function or your health. It usually takes a week before the barley grain goes away on its own. It happens completely naturally without causing any harm. Your immune system does all the work itself to kill the bacteria.

Complications are rare, but in some cases the cornea may become irritated or an infection or deformity may occur on the eyelid.

Here are some symptoms of barley grains:

  • Heavy or drooping eyelids
  • Redness at the roots of the eyelashes
  • Hypersensitivity to light
  • Need to blink all the time
  • Tears
  • Blurred vision

Why do barley grains occur?

Woman cleanses her eyes.

Bacterial infections are the main cause of this disease. These infections are caused because the  sebaceous glands in the eye become blocked.

When these glands become blocked, they allow the infection to mature. This is also how acne occurs on the face, chest or neck.

Other things that affect its formation are:

  • Lack of hygiene
  • Poor diet
  • That you touch the eye too much
  • That you use dirty towels
  • Dehydration
  • Lack of immune

This is how you can process barley grain yourself at home


Garlic should be used with caution and may not always process barley grains. But as long as you take care, the juice from garlic can help.

Garlic has antibacterial and antimicrobial properties.

Just squeeze a few cloves of garlic and put some of its juice on the affected eyelid. Its properties will be absorbed and it will start to work, even if the barley grain is inside.

When getting the juice from garlic on, one should be sure that it does not get into the eye. A good choice is to use a lightly dampened cotton swab to get the juice from the garlic on.


Because they contain a number of binding properties,  potatoes can reduce inflammation and swelling. At the same time, the swelling makes it difficult for the blood to reach the affected area.

All you need to do is grate a potato. Then get a little bit of it on a cotton ball and this is gently pressed against the affected eyelid. This will make the barley grain disappear quickly.

Good hygiene can help treat barley grains

A red and inflamed eye.

Poor hygiene is the biggest reason why barley grains occur.

If you can feel that you are getting a barley grain, or if it is a recurring problem, be sure to keep the area around your eyes clean.

Avoid touching your eyes with dirty hands or rubbing too much. How to prevent dirt and bacteria from accumulating.

Also read: Get rid of pimples on your nose with four home remedies

Chamomile tea and green tea

After drinking a cup of green tea or chamomile tea, you can store the tea bags in the fridge. When they are cold, you can get them directly on your eyes.

The antioxidants in the tea quickly fight the infection and help get rid of the barley grain.

Aloe vera against barley grains

Aloe vera

This is a well-known drug. So you probably already know about its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

The jelly inside the aloe vera leaves can help one if one gets them directly on the inflamed eyelid.

Just rub a little bit of aloe vera jelly on your eyes a few times a day until they get better.

Also read: How to get healthier hair with aloe vera


Despite the bad rumor that it makes one cry,  onions are full of antioxidants and antibacterial substances that can remove bacteria quickly.

Like potatoes, simply cut a few pieces of onion, place the pieces on a cotton ball and press it against the affected eyelid.

Do not be afraid if you start to cry a little: it just means that the pieces of onion work.



The active ingredients in this herb can help one to  cleanse barley grains and remove bacteria and inflammation. This speeds up the healing process and reduces inflammation and swelling.

Bring the parsley leaves to a boil and put the liquid on your eyes when it has cooled down.


Turmeric also has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that can help treat barley grains.

  • Mix a little water with turmeric and bring to a boil.
  • This is how you can make a remedy that you can get on the barley grain with a clean cloth.
  • If you do this two or three times a day, then you will speed up the healing process.

Although most barley grains are harmless, no one can deny that they are annoying and can be complicated in some cases.

For this reason, it is better that you go to an ophthalmologist to make sure it is not serious. This is especially important if you get barley grains often.

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