How To Remove Termites From Your Home

Everything made of wood – whether it is a piece of furniture or stairs – is vulnerable to termites, especially in humid areas. So how can you get rid of them?
How to remove termites from your home

There are few ailments as destructive to a house as termites. These insects eat wood and are capable of not only destroying furniture but also the very structure of your home. We help you remove termites from your home.

How do you know if you have termites ? You can see yellowish bites on the tree as if it were sprinkled with breadcrumbs. Otherwise you may see small holes in the wood. These are two concrete signs of having some unwelcome guests in your home.

These creatures like certain kinds of wood better than others. If you have cedar or guanacaste wood, you are pretty safe. They do not like these woods so much. But their favorites are the following:

  • Pine tree
  • Cypres
  • Kapok
  • Balsa
  • Pine tree

How to remove termites from your home

Let’s get practical. How can you get rid of termites before it’s too late? Below are some recommendations and methods to take care of this pest.

Termite on wood

1. How to remove termites with oranges and camphor

An easy way to get rid of termites is by putting a jar of orange peel and camphor in the drawers of your dresser. Camphor is a whitish substance that resembles salt and can be used as an insect repellent among many other things. But be careful that it does not touch your clothes because it may stain.

Boric acid insecticide

You can find boric acid in the supermarket or in garden stores.

  • Mix a teaspoon of boric acid with a tablespoon of sugar and a tablespoon of milk.
  • Fill bottle caps and place them in the affected areas.
  • Do not place them in places that children or pets can access; it can be toxic.
  • Leave it there for three or four weeks. Termites reproduce quickly and there can be quite a few of them. Since termites usually transport food to their homes, it is good that if you can poison some of them, they will spread to others.
Exterminates pests

3. Other tips

There are all sorts of tips floating around the internet on how to get rid of termites. But some of them are ineffective and we’ll tell you why.

For example, spraying gasoline on the wood does not work. It does not reach the inside of the tree, which is where the insects live and eat. Plus it smells bad and is highly flammable.

You can also run across tips that encourage the use of petroleum, motor oil and other similar products. They are not recommended because of how flammable they are.

4. How to remove termites from your home with chemical wax

There are entire companies dedicated to removing termites from your home. Since there can be millions of insects in just one home, and since they are so harmful, it may not be a bad idea to turn to the pros.

The advantage here is that they use controlled methods and directly attack the termites’ home once and for all. This way, the problem will be taken care of and you will not give them a chance to multiply.

How can you prevent termites?

If you live in a place where termites are common, it is best to avoid the problem at all and not have wooden furniture at all. If you decide to have wooden furniture, buy them of high quality so that the termites will have a harder time breaking them down.

Keeping your home clean and disinfected can also help, but it is no guarantee. Try to keep the wood dry and especially protect your plumbing. This is where the insects live and reproduce – and they do it very quickly.

Getting rid of termites is not easy and will definitely require patience. But rest assured, if you hold on tight, you will get rid of them. Get started right away as the damage is irreversible!

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