Winter Routine For Oily Skin

Cold and wind cause significant effects on our skin. It is especially dryness. Why is it important to maintain a winter routine for oily skin? Read on to find out.
Winter routine for oily skin

Some people believe that oily skin does not require any extra care in cold conditions. They assume that these temperatures only affect dry skin. They are wrong. A winter routine for oily skin is absolutely necessary to be able to maintain fresh and clean skin.

The cold obviously affects oily skin in the same way that it affects dry and sensitive skin. However, this does not mean that one does not need a winter routine to stay hydrated and keep the skin from becoming dull and lifeless to look at.

It is important to know that without a winter routine for oily skin, the skin type can get worse over time. This means that in dry environments, the skin can react negatively, producing even more oily skin and all the problems that come with it.

Winter skin

Cold weather affects all skin types because it generally produces dryness. That said, oily skin can be one of the most affected skin types in low temperatures and high levels of humidity. First, the skin may become paler than other skin types.

However, that is not the worst thing about it. The very crucial thing in winter is that the skin loses fluid and nutrients. The cold causes capillaries to contract and as a consequence there is a decrease in the skin’s oxygen, moisture and nutrients. In addition, these conditions cause an increase in the number of dead skin cells.

With more dead skin cells, it is easier for pores to become clogged. This is where the characteristics of the skin type worsen, which includes an increase in blackheads and blemishes on the face. The point is, maintaining a winter routine for oily skin is essential.

Winter routine for oily skin

A winter routine for oily skin includes various measures, which primarily involve oxygenation, hydration and protection of the skin. The following are the primary actions that should be taken in order to keep the skin healthy and avoid aggravating the characteristics of the skin type:

  • Wash skin appropriately. Ideally, one should wash his face twice a day using a face wash which ideally contains natural antibacterial agents. It is even better if it contains mint extract or tea tree. This removes impurities and helps seal the pores.
  • Double cleaning. For best results, apply an oil-free cream after washing your face. The creams most recommended are those made with hazel, rosemary, ivy or aloe vera.
  • Hydration is basic. When your face is clean, oily skin should be moisturized with cosmetic acids such as hyaluronic acid. These types of products help restore the skin’s natural moisture.
  • Drink water and protect yourself from the sun. It is important to drink plenty of water during the day and apply sunscreen daily.
  • Exfoliate. You should make sure that you exfoliate the skin twice a week to remove dead skin cells. It is best to use products that do not have an abrasive effect.

Other treatments for the skin

Woman applying face mask

Along with the measures we have already talked about, there are also other treatments that one can use to complete a winter routine for oily skin. These are the following:

  • Use masks. Masks are really good for making the skin look finer. This is especially true if the skin is dull to look at. The ones to keep an eye on are the ones made with green tea, blue agave and marigold. It is enough to use them twice a week.
  • Exfoliation with salicylic acid. If your skin still looks too oily despite the other treatments, exfoliating with salicylic acid can be an excellent choice. It helps remove blackheads and impurities and it also reduces shine.
  • Apply matte makeup. This type of makeup not only improves the appearance of the skin, but it also lasts longer in the winter, so you do not have to refresh your makeup as often.
  • Use the right products. As a general rule, moisturizing gels or gel creams are best. It is even better if it removes sebum, is not comedogenic and without oil. Just make sure you use products recommended by dermatologists and not advertisements.

The point is, taking care of oily skin in winter is just as important as any other type of skin. All you have to do is perform some basic care to avoid dermatological problems during this time.

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