7 Reasons To Add Sugar Beet To The Diet

The juice from sugar beet is an anti-inflammatory and cleansing drink that can improve your body functions. It is recommended to regulate blood pressure and speed up digestion.
7 Reasons to Add Sugar Beet to Your Diet

Adding sugar beets to your diet can give your body some interesting benefits. While most people consume this vegetable either cooked or raw in salads, a more effective way to get all the nutritional benefits is to drink beet juice.

Sugar beet juice has become popular in recent years thanks to its cleansing effects because it optimizes liver function and promotes the removal of toxins. Apart from this , it provides energy and antioxidants that enhance many different aspects of your health.

For many people, the taste of this juice is not the best, but it is an important source of vitamins and minerals, dietary fiber and amino acids. All this strengthens your immune system and prevents outbreaks of various diseases.

Have you tried it yet?

Seven reasons to add sugar beet to your diet

beets, beets

Until a few years ago, sugar beets and beets were not recommended due to their high content of carbohydrates and sugars. Today, however, it is one of the most sought after vegetables and people eat them both without hesitation.

Adding sugar beets to your diet has interesting effects both on controlling your weight and preventing or treating certain conditions. Today we review seven of the biggest benefits for you.

Beet juice regulates blood pressure

Thanks to the natural nitrite concentration found in sugar beets, which are converted to nitric oxide in the body, sugar beets help regulate your blood pressure. Nitrogen  dilates blood vessels and improves blood circulation.

2. Adding sugar beets to your diet improves your digestion

Juice has the concentrated fiber from the vegetable, so it is not surprising that it improves your digestion. Regular intake will prevent constipation and speed up the process of absorbing nutrients.

3. They prevent premature aging

Woman's face aging with grace shows benefits of adding sugar beet to the diet

Thanks to the significant amounts of healthy betaine and polyphenols, this juice can neutralize the negative effects of free radicals on the body’s cells. These antioxidants prevent premature aging and other serious ailments.

4. Sugar beet juice protects your thyroid gland

People who have thyroid problems can improve their health by adding sugar beet to their diet. Although it is not a miracle cure, the high iodine content can help prevent disorders like hypothyroidism.

5. Sugar beet fights inflammation

Beta in sugar beet and beetroot helps protect your cells, enzymes and proteins from deterioration due to oxidative stress. The juice  therefore  reduces inflammation and helps protect your organs from chronic conditions.

Adding sugar beet to the diet helps promote weight loss

Thanks to the high content of essential nutrients, the juice is at the top of the list of beverages that will help you lose weight. First of all , the fiber content improves digestion  and reduces gastritis. It is also very filling and can speed up the processes that break down fat.

7. Sugar beets relieve fluid retention

Fluid retention can cause many other health problems. It is best to take care of it through diuretic beverages, such as sugar beets. It will facilitate the removal of excess fluids,  improve your kidney function and regulate the body’s mineral salt.

How to extract the juice from sugar beets at home?

sugar beets and juice

It is very easy to extract the juice from sugar beets. In fact, you can combine it with juices from other fruits and vegetables, such as carrots or even apples.

Today we share the classic recipe with you, so you will be sure to enjoy all its features.


  • 1 large sugar beet
  • 200 ml of water

Course of action

  • Wash the sugar beet and cut it into large pieces.
  • Put it in the blender together with water.
  • Blend for a few minutes until you have a drink without lumps.
  • Serve immediately.

How often should I add sugar beet to my diet?

  • Drink a cup of sugar beet juice on an empty stomach or in the morning with breakfast.
  • Repeat this  at least three times a week.


Sugar beet juice is a low-calorie beverage that helps ‘revive’ your body’s energy for optimal performance. In addition, it contains antioxidants and essential nutrients that protect the body against various diseases.

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