Yoga For Back Pain

Certain yoga postures help stretch your back muscles and speed up pain relief. Regular exercise strengthens this part of the body and reduces the risk of injury.
Yoga for back pain

Yoga for back pain is a great way to relax your muscles and combat the symptoms caused by stress. While there are several factors that affect back pain, stretching and breathing through yoga can help relieve the pain.

Although many people prefer to rest when experiencing muscle tension, practicing yoga has a therapeutic effect and is more beneficial as a treatment. When you practice yoga regularly, it also becomes an effective way to soothe chronic or recurrent pain.

Nevertheless, it is important to know which yoga positions to choose, especially if you do not have much experience in practicing yoga. For this reason, in this article we will share a simple routine for yoga for back pain with you who want to work with this part of the body. Are you ready?

5 great postures for yoga against back pain

1 – The child’s position

Yoga has therapeutic effects

Balasana, also known as the position of the child, is a great way to use yoga for back pain. The position provides an active stretch of the spine which alleviates stiffness and tension by improving your circulation and relaxing the muscles.

How do you do?

  • Sit on your knees on the yoga mat with your balls resting on your heels. Stretch forward and rest your head against the mat so you have your forehead on the floor.
  • Let your arms lie along your sides and relax your whole body.
  • Hold the position for 15-20 seconds while breathing deeply.

Note: If your head does not reach down to the mat, or if you feel discomfort at the position, you can use a pillow as a support.

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2 – The cat and cow position

Bidalasana, better known as the cat and cow position, is a complete exercise that reduces tension in the back and neck. It improves your use of synovial fluid and thus keeps your spine flexible and healthy.

How do you do?

  • Start in the position of the child and lift yourself up on your knees. Support your upper body with straight arms and shoot back (like a cat).
  • Hold your head down as if trying to touch your stomach with your forehead. Make sure your knees and the front of your feet stay in the mat.
  • Then straighten your back and let it relax for a few seconds (cow position) while lifting your head and looking forward.
  • Switch between these two positions, holding each position for a few seconds while doing breathing exercises. For example, breathe in during the first exercise and out during the next.

3 – Triangles

The triangular position, also known as trikonasana, helps to relieve back and neck pain. It also increases the flexibility of your hips and spine, thus helping to avoid the risk of injury.

How do you do?

  • Stand upright with your feet slightly more than shoulder-width apart. Touch your left leg with your left hand.
  • Stretch your right arm up toward the ceiling, along with your head.
  • Try to keep your left leg outstretched and bend only slightly at the right leg.
  • Repeat this exercise on the opposite side.

4 – The Grasshopper

Salabhasana, or the locust posture, is a complete exercise that stretches and relaxes various muscle groups in the body. Because it extends the spine, it promotes pain relief. The position also works with your stomach and shoulders.

How do you do?

  • Lie on your stomach with your face down in the yoga mat.
  • Lift your legs and chest so that they do not touch the ground.
  • Hold your arms to the sides, with your fingers pointing towards your toes.
  • Hold this position for 20-30 seconds while breathing normally.

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5 – Duen

The pigeon is an effective position against back pain

Dove, or salamba kapotsana, is a complex yoga exercise for relieving back pain. It involves performing exercises that increase the flexibility and strength of the muscles that surround the spine. The position also strengthens the buttock muscles, hocks and thigh muscles.

How do you do?

  • Support yourself on your knees and place a bent leg forward.
  • Stretch the other leg backwards and place your hands on the mat on each side of the body.
  • Stretch your hips toward the ground. To do this, move the heel of the bent leg and lift the knee. You should also tighten the balls to avoid losing balance.
  • Pull your stomach together and bend your back. Finally, stretch your arms over your head, with your palms pressed against each other.

Note: To reduce the pressure on your hips, you can press your hands into the mat.

As you can see, this yoga routine for back pain is very simple and does not require much experience. You just have to find a quiet and comfortable place where you can concentrate on performing the exercises.

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