Adjustable Gastric Banding – Uses And Properties

There are few postoperative complications when adjustable gastric banding is introduced through laparoscopy. This is because there are usually no problems with scarring or infections.
Adjustable gastric banding - uses and properties

Laparoscopically adjustable gastric banding is an inflatable silicone device located around the upper abdomen. It is for the treatment of obesity and its purpose is to reduce food intake so that people can lose weight.

Obesity is a chronic disease caused by several factors. It’s not just about a proper diet; it also reduces life expectancy and the risk of other diseases such as diabetes.

The treatment of severe obesity based only on diet does not successfully control all the problems caused by this disease in the long run. So this type of surgery is recommended in some cases.

The placement of adjustable gastric banding is not only to lose weight and reach an ideal weight – it is also to improve the health of severely obese people.

In today’s article, we explain what the procedure is about.

What is adjustable gastric banding?

Adjustable gastric banding is performed with laparoscopy. This means that a surgeon inserts it via a very small incision using an instrument that goes in and allows them to see the inside of the abdomen.

After making incisions, they install an elastic band in the abdomen. It acts as a belt and compresses the upper part of the abdomen, making it smaller. This way, only a certain amount of food can enter.

Also read: 6 types of obesity and the reasons behind

The abdominal band also slows the passage of food into the intestine and helps with weight loss. The best part is that this process is reversible. In fact, a doctor can customize it at any time without surgery.

Person on weight

What are the benefits of adjustable gastric banding?

As we have already mentioned, this is a laparoscopic procedure. This means that it is not necessary to cut the stomach open or use invasive techniques. In addition, they do not need to change the anatomy of the stomach. As mentioned before, a gastric band is a reversible procedure.

Another benefit is that it helps reduce the rest of the health problems that come with being overweight. It is a solution that a person should follow along with a healthy lifestyle. To eat a proper diet and exercise are essential requirements for success.

The abdominal band produces satiety and this helps people to stop thinking about food. Estimates indicate that it helps patients lose approx. 50% of excess weight.

A patient undergoing this type of surgery can go home a few hours after the procedure. In fact, there is almost no postoperative pain. In addition, the risk of inadequate healing or infection is minimal.

Disadvantages of gastric banding

As with everything, there are some drawbacks to this procedure. Interventions are usually necessary in case of very severe long-term obesity. This is because gastric banding can slip and cause the abdomen to increase in volume again.

Many studies also associate gastric banding with cases of gastroesophageal reflux and esophagitis. People should also be aware that weight loss occurs more slowly than with other procedures.

Also read: Do you suffer from gastroesophageal reflux disease?

There is a period of adjustment after the placement of gastric banding, and some patients experience nausea and subsequent vomiting. Because of this, it is even more important to control everything they eat and drink.

Obese person with a lot of food in front of him could benefit from adjustable gastric banding

How is it different from other techniques?

There are other techniques for treating severe obesity. Among them is gastric balloon, which consists of inserting a balloon into the stomach. It fills with a solution and reduces the stomach size to almost half.

The balloon is usually inserted nasally through the esophagus and usually remains approx. six months in the stomach. However, it is also necessary to change diets while using it.

A gastric bypass is a somewhat more complicated technique. It consists of stapling of the abdomen, greatly reducing its volume and general anesthesia is necessary for this procedure.


The placement of adjustable gastric banding is a surgical technique that helps in the treatment of severe obesity. However, it is not a solution that allows people to continue with a life full of immorality. It works best when supplemented with a proper diet, exercise and a total change of attitude on the part of the patient.

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