What Are The Causes Of Wet Eyes?

There are several causes of wet eyes. Some are associated with external substances and others may indicate a need for immediate medical attention.
What are the causes of wet eyes?

As the name suggests, wet eyes involve extreme tearing. Believe it or not, it is possible that there is more fluid than necessary in this area of ​​the body.

We all know that eyes need lubrication in order to stay healthy. Sometimes, however, the fluid that the lacrimal glands produce cannot find its way out. It is due to a blockage in the tear duct that goes down to the nose that causes the fluid to flow into the eyelids.

What are the different types of wet eyes?

We can classify the type of wet eyes based on the affected part of the population. In general, babies and adults are the ones most likely to suffer from extreme tearing.

Wet eyes in babies

Although this disorder is very common in babies,  it is important to be aware of it in order to avoid further complications. Often, the causes of wet eyes in babies are a small blockage in the tear duct or the presence of eye inflammation.

However, this disorder can also occur when one’s baby has a cold, has allergies or has scratched his eye. Therefore, if it continues, talk to a pediatrician. He or she will be able to explain any doubts and prescribe the necessary treatment.

Although less common, this disorder can also affect young children. In this case , they may suffer from changes in the cornea if there is also redness in the eye along with extreme tearing.

Person crying

Tears have a protective function in the eye. However, if they are found in excessive amounts, they become counterproductive.

Wet eyes in adults

In the case of adults, the causes of wet eyes are versatile. However, blockage of the tear duct remains the most common. In addition, there are other conditions associated with it:

  • Exhausted eyes  caused by prolonged use of technological devices.
  • Extreme dryness of the eye, which stimulates the formation of tears to compensate for it.
  • Problems associated  with older age.

Causes of wet eyes

Constant tearing caused by this disorder is bothersome. This is because it usually involves redness in the eyelid, irritation, swelling and also a burning sensation in the area. Even then, it is important to identify the cause in order to begin the specific treatment, where further complications are ruled out.

Blockage of the tear duct

As we explained at the beginning of the article, lacrimal glands are responsible for producing tears. Their function is to keep the eyes clean and moist. In case of too much fluid, it should come out through the tear ducts, which end inside the nose.

When there is a blockage, the tears have no way of getting out, so they flow over into the eyes. This is what happens when our eyes seem to be filled with tears for no reason.

Specialists know this condition as chronic dacryocystitis. It may be an acquired condition and refers to a narrowing of the tear ducts due to aging. There is also an innate variant that frequently hits babies.

Dry eye syndrome

Dry eye syndrome stems from hormonal changes in the case of women and also the high level of pollution in the air. Some of the symptoms are a burning sensation, itching, photosensitivity, a feeling that the eye is dirty, and heavy eyelids.

Another of the most common signs is wet eyes despite the fact that this disorder is associated with lack of tears. This happens because the glands are overstimulated as a protective mechanism that produces too much fluid.

Exhausted eyes

It is also known as exhausted eye syndrome. This disorder falls into the same category as occupational diseases. It involves several symptoms, among which we find wet eyes.

It is also  associated with prolonged consumption of electronic devices, which is something that is very common these days with the advent of telecommuting. This condition is categorized within digital visual syndromes and can affect the surface of the eye, producing large tearing.

Eye inflammation

It is one of the most common eye disorders. It affects people at every stage of life, although it causes a lot of discomfort, it is very easy to treat.

Among the most common symptoms of this disorder affecting the conjunctiva (the imperceptible membrane that covers the eye), we find wet eyes, inflammation, redness and also secretions or accumulation of fluid.

Sensitivity to light

Light hypersensitivity is a sign caused by an inability to withstand the intensity of light, whether artificial or natural. It is a condition that frequently affects people with albinism and people with bright eyes.

The symptoms include wet eyes, the need to keep the eyes closed, a burning sensation and redness. It can even lead to dizziness, headaches, nausea and vomiting.

Other common and mild causes

In addition to the mentioned conditions, wet eyes are also associated with allergies such as rhinitis but also with flu, laughter, yawning and even vomiting. In any of these cases, violent tearing is not a concern as it is due to an external reaction.

Wet eyes

There are many causes for wet eyes. Some are less complicated and others are serious.

When should you talk to a doctor?

It is important to seek medical attention when observing that the causes of wet eyes are associated with eye inflammation. This is because it can be viral and contagious. Even when there is no obvious cause and the discomfort lasts for more than a week. This also applies when the symptoms are present for a long time.

In any case, it is easy to control this eye disorder. It is therefore important to seek medical attention to begin appropriate treatment. Violent tearing does not represent an obstacle when it comes to the person’s quality of life, but it does affect their vision.

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