Myths & Truth About Laser Hair Removal

Before you get your hair removed with a laser, it is a good idea to know the myths and truths that surround this practice so that you know what to expect.
Myths and truth about laser hair removal

Have you ever considered receiving laser hair removal? Sure, but in the end you did not dare to do so, due to certain myths surrounding this type of hair removal.

The problem with this lies in ignorance and in this connection there are other methods that we know and it creates no doubt. Maybe because our friends use them and because laser hair removal is not among their options.

For this reason and in order to shed light on this method of removing hair that is not otherwise known to some people, we will discover some myths and truths about hair removal with laser. That way, we remove any doubts we may have. Go for it!

Myths about laser hair removal

We will start by solving some myths about laser hair removal that are quite prevalent and not truthful. Myths that create fear and doubt and that prevent people who might be interested in accessing this type of hair removal.

Laser hair removal causes skin cancer

You get laser treatment

There are people who believe that laser hair removal causes skin cancer because they consider it a very aggressive method of removing hair. However, laser hair removal destroys the hair, but does not damage the skin, at any point.

But it is true that those who have a past with skin cancer should go to the doctor to get this type of hair removal approved.

Because of their past, it may not be good to be exposed to laser treatment.

2. Hair removal with laser is very painful

Many people think that laser hair removal is very painful because they have heard that some people apply a cream to feel less pain. However, this depends on the sensitivity of each person. In fact, the discomfort is minimal.

3. Hair removal with laser is very expensive

Electric hair removal

Electric hair removal may sound expensive. But we need to look at the benefits we want to achieve in the long run.

When we are aware of how much we spend monthly on getting hair removed. What about when we remove hair by shaving? At the time we lose when we grow up or when shaving with an electric razor?

Laser hair removal is a very good investment that saves time and money in the long run. Over time and after several treatments, we only need to be treated once a year and sometimes not even once a year!

It all depends on the thickness of our hair and its growth.

Truth about laser hair removal

Once we have seen the common myths about laser hair removal, we will discover the truths that are.

Now that we are more calm about the doubts we had, we will be able to understand much more what this hair removal method consists of.

1. It will not work for people with thin, blond hair

It is true that not all people want depilatory laser treatment. People who have fine blonde hair are more likely not to be able to undergo this treatment because it will be a waste of money.

The reason this method does not work on this type of skin is that having a low amount of melanin will require several treatments to achieve results, and even then, they are not safe.

2. Before each treatment you need to be shaved

Woman shaving

This is another truth about laser hair removal and it is that even though it seems annoying that we have to shave before a treatment, then it is necessary. Even though we only have a few hairs in advance.

It is important that we know that we should not pick the hair. The reason is that the laser has to work with the hair. Weaken it and loosen it so it can not grow back. If there is no hair, laser hair removal will not work.

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3. You need to be careful with the sun

Many people think that they should not be exposed to the sun after a laser hair removal, but what they do not know is that they should not be exposed to the sun before. In general, it is not recommended to expose yourself to the sun either 3 days before or 3 days after.

It will also be important to use sunscreen with a high protection factor and avoid any kind of self-tanning. The skin will be sensitive and exposed and if we are in the sun without following these measures we can damage it.

If you have ever had laser hair removal removed, we would love to hear about your experience. If you have not done so yet, would you like to do so? Do you think that will be a good solution for you?

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