9 Amazing Tricks That Your Microwave Has Up Its Sleeve

Your microwave oven can do much more than just heat and defrost your food. Learn about 9 incredible microwave tricks that can make your life easier.
9 amazing tricks that your microwave has up its sleeve

Thanks to its versatility, your microwave can do much more than just heat and defrost your food.

Your microwave can do many tricks

If you think your microwave is just there to reheat yesterday’s leftovers and make popcorn, then you’re wrong. It can get you out of all kinds of awkward situations.

Its biggest advantage is in how quickly it can make certain foods that would take much longer in the oven.

So take a look at these amazing tricks to unleash the hidden superpowers of your microwave.

1. Corn in the microwave

Instead of waiting for the water to boil on your stove to cook corn on the cob, why not use your microwave instead?

Here’s what to do:

  • For this method, it is best to leave the peel on. It will retain moisture and heat and cook the corn more evenly.
  • Put your microwave on high power for 3 to 5 minutes. This way, the shells will be much easier to remove.
  • Just remember to let it stand for a few minutes if you do not want to burn your fingers.

2. No more crying over onions

If chopping onions makes you cry, then you’ll come to love this trick.

Heat onions for 30 seconds in your microwave and you will be able to chop onions without shedding a tear.

Why does it work? It’s simple: when you heat onions before chopping them, you deactivate the part of the enzymes that cause onions to release the sulfuric acid gas that makes you cry.

Give potato chips another life

If you leave a bag of chips open, they will probably become soft and a little stale. Try putting them on a plate and heat them for 30 to 45 seconds in your microwave.

Then take them out and let it sit for a minute. When you try them, you will notice that they will be crispy and delicious again.

This trick also works with popcorn.

4. Dried herbs

It is best not to use any herbs immediately after picking them from your garden or when they are still partially fresh.

If you want to use them right away and do not have time to wait for them to dry, your trusted heater can save the day.

Heat the herbs on high power for 2 to 3 minutes to dry them.

Remember to dry them well and remove the excess water before heating. If you do not do this you will boil them instead of drying them.

5. More juicy citrus fruits

This is a great way to take full advantage of citrus fruits. Squeezing fruits like grapefruits, lemons, limes, oranges, etc. can be difficult.

If you heat them in the microwave for 20 seconds and then squeeze them, you will get a lot more juice as it softens the inside and the juice comes out without much hassle.

Boring bread

Not many people like to eat bread when it gets hard and boring. But to avoid having to throw out a whole loaf of bread that has become boring, just put it in the microwave.

Wrap the bread in a damp paper towel and heat on high heat for 10 to 12 seconds. Then check if the bread is softened.

If it is not, repeat the procedure until it is soft.

7. Scrambled eggs

Put your frying pan away and take advantage of the power of your microwave to make an easy, quick breakfast. Here’s all you need to do:

  • Beat the eggs with a little milk.
  • Add salt and pepper to taste and heat it on high power in the microwave for 45 seconds.
  • Take it out and stir vigorously with a fork, then put it in your microwave for another 30 to 45 seconds.
  • Repeat until the eggs are cooked to your liking.

8. french fries from scratch

You probably think you need a fryer for this, but give your microwave a try. It may surprise you. Here’s all you need to do:

  • Start by cutting your potatoes as thin as you can and then place them on a microwave-safe plate.
  • The cooking time varies from each individual microwave, but generally 3 to 5 minutes on high heat will be enough.
  • When they are ready and golden, remove them from your microwave, add a little salt, and enjoy them.

9. Boiled eggs

Traditional cooking ag eggs is a tedious task, but your microwave can help with that. All you have to do is fill a microwave-safe container with half a cup of water and a pinch of salt.

Beat the egg into the container and make sure it is all there.

Cover the top with a small plate and heat on high heat for just a minute. You will be amazed at the result!

Give these amazing microwave tricks a try and finally share them with your friends!

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