Breastfeeding And The Newborn’s Immune System

Breastfeeding is the key to ensuring the proper functioning of newborns’ immune systems and that they get the nutrients they need.
Breastfeeding and the immune system of newborns

Breastfeeding is one of the healthiest ways to feed a baby. Several studies have shown that breast milk meets the nutritional needs of babies in the early stages of life. We should also note that breastfeeding is closely related to the proper functioning of the newborn’s immune system.

Breast milk ensures proper development and growth. It can even determine the defense mechanisms in the body at later times, making it a basic element to ensure good health.

The composition of colostrum and breast milk

Breast milk not only contains macro- and micronutrient staples, but  also concentrates immunoglobulins, which are transferred to the baby.

Breastfeeding in the first months of life significantly reduces the risk of developing allergies and autoimmune problems. This is due in part to the presence of these immunoglobulins. A study in the Annals of Nutrition & Metabolism reveals these findings.

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Likewise, the first milk that comes from the breast after birth, known as colostrum, contains a large amount of bioactive components with beneficial properties. And it not only contains concentrated amounts of the elements we have already mentioned, but  it is also possible to find high quality cytokines and polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Benefits of breastfeeding for newborns immune system

The World Health Organization recommends exclusive breastfeeding during the baby’s first six months. This is partly due to the proven benefits for the baby’s immune system.

Breastfeeding can reduce the risk of autoimmune disorders

As we have already mentioned,  colostrum and breast milk may be able to reduce the incidence of autoimmune problems such as allergies. There are several studies that support this.

If one can ensure the intake of breast milk at least throughout the first year of the baby’s life, it would reduce the likelihood of developing disorders related to a malfunction of the defense system in the following years.

Breastfeeding strengthens newborns’ immune system: Reduced incidence of infectious diseases

Breastfeeding can cause a reduction in the risk of dying from pneumonia in the early stages of life. This is evidenced by research in the journal Minerva Pediatrica.

This method of feeding baby increases the baby’s chances of survival and protection against the development of several chronic and complex disorders in the medium term.

Breastfeeding the baby to improve the newborn's immune system

Optimal development of the immune system in premature babies

One of the primary problems with premature babies is that they are born without the optimal maturation of many of their systems. As a result, it  can impair their physiological function, producing inefficiencies that affect their health.

In these cases, breastfeeding becomes even more important. According to an article in Clinics in Perinatology, breast milk can improve the effectiveness of newborns’ immune systems when they are born prematurely. This can reduce the risk of developing autoimmune problems in the short term.

Up to what age is breastfeeding recommended?

It is a topic that creates great debate. Experts say that mothers should offer  breastfeeding at least in the first year of the baby’s life in order to experience all the benefits.

While it is true that it is recommended to supplement with other foods from around the age of six months, it is best to continue breastfeeding for another six months.

Other specialists, however, argue for breastfeeding even longer. However, it is not always possible, primarily due to the discomfort that the mother may experience, which is related to hypersensitive breasts or pain.

It is important to note that when replacing breast milk with breast milk substitute, we should be aware of what is in it.

Many of the substitutes on the market contain large amounts of simple sugar in their composition, which is harmful to babies. In addition, it is important to ensure that one’s intake of unsaturated fatty acids is adequate.

Breastfeeding promotes the development of the newborn’s immune system

Breastfeeding is the key to ensuring a proper maturation of the newborn’s immune system. It significantly reduces the risk of developing allergies and asthma as well as other disorders related to autoimmune problems.

At the same time, it increases the chances of survival and reduces the risk of getting severe pneumonia.

At the same time, it is important to note that  breast milk is the most perfect food for babies. It contains the highest quality protein, unsaturated fatty acids and all the vitamins that the human body needs for efficient physiological processes.

It is true that there is disagreement about when to stop breastfeeding. However, almost all experts agree that it should not happen until the child is a year old.

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