Help An Elderly Person With An Illness

It makes a strong impression when our parents, grandparents, spouses, friends or any other older adult close to our heart are diagnosed with a serious illness, so it is important to help them tackle it in the best possible way .
Help an elderly person with an illness

It is a big task to have to help an elderly person with an illness. Older people are at greater risk of getting diseases and getting sick after the age of 65. However, this depends on the lifestyle they have had and on the passage of time.

When an elderly person is diagnosed with a serious illness, they are faced with the fact that they will not be able to continue with their previous lifestyle. This can have a strong impact on them and their family environment.

In these cases, appropriate methods must be used to make their process as easy as possible. Therefore, we would like to offer six useful tips to help older people with an illness.

1. Be honest when helping an elderly person with an illness

It is very important to be honest and sincere about the diagnosis of the disease. Along with family support and good medical guidance, you need to find the right words to be able to explain the diagnosis clearly.

It is important to avoid creating an atmosphere of sadness, despair or hopelessness in the elderly. However, a diagnosis of a disease should not be kept hidden from anyone, no matter how serious the situation may be. Nevertheless, one has to be tactful around it.

Also read: 8 symptoms to be aware of in the elderly

2. Listen to and respect the elder’s decision

Woman trying to help an elderly person with an illness

An older person has gained a lot of experience throughout his life. Therefore, and taking into account the severity of the disease, always respect their decisions.

It is important to explain the consequences of their condition so that they can make an informed decision about whether they want to follow the treatment or continue another course of action. In this regard, it is important that the family provides support during the decision-making process because it will reduce stress in the elderly.

3. You can help an elderly person with an illness maintain a normal routine

In the case of an elderly person with an illness, this does not necessarily mean that the person must be bedridden until he or she dies. On the contrary, the person should continue to perform his daily activities as usual, but with the help and support of his loved ones as needed.

It is also recommended to encourage the person to develop new activities that benefit the physical and mental health.

4. Support from the whole family

It is advised that the family provide constant support to help an elderly person with an illness in terms of health care. You can make a plan or a schedule so that each family member helps in the collaboration.

Within each “trip” there should be visits, time to talk together and – as for the people closest to the elderly – time for the overall care. In this way, the elderly person does not feel abandoned and the family members do not become worried, exhausted and overburdened with responsibility.

Also read: Grandparents live on in our hearts

5. Seek psychological help

Woman to psychologist

Professional medical help is highly advisable when dealing with and helping an elderly person with an illness.

A psychologist’s intervention in older people can help them express and release their feelings, moods and worries about their new phase of life. In addition, it helps family members tackle the process.

A good alternative is to find a tanatologist who can advise the whole family. This process can also help everyone find together and even improve their relationship.

6. Maintain and encourage a healthy lifestyle

Older people should be encouraged to lead a better lifestyle, right from the moment the disease is detected. As mentioned earlier, this involves performing new activities such as exercising and eating healthy.

The first step is to control the intake of food or beverages that may be harmful to their health.

In addition, activities outside the home should be encouraged, such as going for a walk and meeting new people.

Being able to look forward to human company will make the older person feel more comfortable, despite their condition. It may even happen that the person’s general health improves as the quality of life increases.

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