Detoxification Treatment With Lemon

Remove toxins and other waste products that interfere with the body’s functions with this cure. Remember to combine it with a healthy diet and exercise if you want to lose weight in no time.
Detoxification with lemon

A detoxification regimen with lemon is an effective way to help the body get rid of toxins and accumulated waste products, while contributing to healthy weight loss. This diet has been around for half a century, but it has only just begun to become popular in recent years.

About this detox cure with lemon

This diet with lemon is starting to become popular after its creator, Stanley Burroughs, recommended it to cure stomach ulcers. In his book, The Master Cleanse, Burroughs shared his experiences with a patient who has taken advantage of this diet after suffering from stomach ulcers for three years.

After 11 days on the detoxification regimen with lemon, the patient recovered completely and it was a big surprise for the doctors. Since then, many similar cases have been reported where results were seen after just 10 or 11 days during the course of the cure. It was also noted in their medical records that many people were able to lose weight.

What is this detox cure with lemon?

Lemon tea is a big part of this detox cure

The diet with lemon is a support plan for the body to help it remove stored toxins. As many of you already know, the body stores toxins, which are due to poor nutrition, pollution, negative mental attitudes or a sedentary lifestyle. This cure should therefore be considered as an aid in leading a healthier lifestyle. That is, this diet should supplement a healthy diet and regular exercise, as well as stress reduction, which are factors that affect the accumulation of toxins in the body.

How do you prepare the detox cure with lemon?

For this detoxification regimen to work, it is really important to set goals so that you can see results. Defining what you want to achieve and identifying all the factors is an important step in achieving your goals on this diet. Some people recommend preparing yourself for the detoxification process by introducing a vegetarian diet that will make the process less stressful for the body.

Precautions to remember

Those with organ transplants should not use this cure, nor should those on immunosuppressive drugs. Neither should those who have recently undergone surgery.

Before you start on this diet, reduce your consumption of caffeine, soda, sugar, refined flours and foods high in fat.

Detoxification lemonade


This lemon cure is a cleansing program that allows you to cleanse your body by drinking a special lemonade made with the following ingredients:

  • Lemons
  • Pure organic maple syrup
  • Pure cayenne pepper
  • Mineral water

This diet is designed for a minimum length of 10 days.


  • Mix equal amount of lemon juice and maple syrup. Store in a dark glass container in the refrigerator.
  • Then add four tablespoons of this mixture to a glass of water, stir in the cayenne pepper and mix well until everything is dissolved.
  • Ideally , you should drink 6-12 glasses of this lemonade spread throughout the day, and drink one glass every time you feel hungry.
  • The maple syrup preserves the lemon juice, and prevents its vitamin C and enzyme content from oxidizing.

You should also take one laxative in the morning and another in the evening. Just mix three teaspoons of sea salt with a liter of water and drink a glass as needed.

How do I use the detox cure with lemon?

Applying this diet is a slow process that requires patience. On day one, you should only drink the lemonade. Then start including orange juice. The next day, introduce vegetable soups and broth. On day three you can eat fruits and vegetables. Then you can gradually add meat, fish, dairy products, eggs and other foods to balance your diet.

When you finish the diet (for 10-11 days), you should eat well but healthy. This cleansing cure will help you change your eating habits and say goodbye to poor nutrition.

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