Can I Relieve Neuropathic Pain With Essential Oils?

Essential oils have properties that can be useful in treating neuropathic pain. But are they effective? In this article, we tell you what options are available and what the surveys say.
Can I relieve neuropathic pain with essential oils?

In recent years, specialists have studied various treatments that can help relieve neuropathic pain.

However, as explained in the Journal of the Spanish Association for Pain (Revista de la Sociedad EspaƱola del Dolor) , dealing with this type of symptom is complex and usually requires pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical intervention.

Neuropathic pain is a type of pain that develops as a result of an injury or nerve damage. According to estimates, it affects between 7 and 10% of the general population, and the elderly are the most affected. Specifically, it is common in patients with chronic postoperative pain, postherpetic neuralgia, and diabetic neuropathy.

However, specialists also associate it with other chronic diseases. Either way, the most common form is periphytic diabetic neuropathy, which affects up to 50% of patients with diabetes. In general, patients experience tingling, inflammation, and numbness along with the pain.

But is it possible to relieve this pain with essential oils? According to some studies, this type of herbal remedy can help relieve the pain. However, the evidence is limited, so we should use it with caution.

Read on to find out what role essential oils play in this context!

Essential oils to relieve neuropathic pain

As we mentioned at the beginning, the treatment of neuropathic pain is complex and requires professional intervention. While options such as essential oils may be helpful in providing a sense of relief, these do not replace medical treatment. If you decide to use them, remember the advice we give you in this article.

St. John’s wort essential oil

In herbal medicine, St. John’s wort (Hypericum perforatum) has been used to improve mood in cases of anxiety and depression for years. However, a single case study has opened up the possibility that it acts as a complementary treatment for neuropathic pain.

According to the study published in Complementary Therapies in Medicine, a patient with trigeminal neuralgia – a type of nerve pain that affects the face – found an improvement with the use of a homeopathic solution with St. John’s wort.

Therefore, the authors concluded that the extracts of this plant were promising as a therapeutic option for this type of pain. However, there is insufficient evidence to confirm this.

Dried St. John's wort on the plate

Essential oil of holy basil against neuropathic pain

Sacred basil is an aromatic plant that has the scientific name Ocimum sanctum. According to data collected in the Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine, its medicinal properties include antimicrobial, antidiarrheal, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.

It also has potential analgesic and immunomodulatory properties.

In a study published in 2015, essential oil from this plant showed positive effects against sciatic nerve pain in mice. For this reason, many believe that it can be useful against neuropathic pain. However, evidence for this is lacking and more studies are needed to confirm these effects in humans.

Essential chamomile oil

Essential chamomile oil contains a substance called borneol. According to a study in the European Journal of Pharmacology , this drug may be helpful in reducing pain and inflammation caused by neuropathy. In this study, borneol reduced the pain sensitivity felt by rats with neuropathic pain.

However, as in previous cases, the effects of this essential oil on humans have not yet been confirmed. Despite this, this type of essential oil is safe to use, and in popular literature many people praise it for its calming effects.

Essential chamomile oil

Essential ginger oil for neuropathic pain

There is not much evidence to support that essential ginger oil is good for relieving neuropathic pain. However, studies have found  analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties in this natural product.

This is due to its content of a substance that we know as zingibain, which shows beneficial effects against inflammatory problems.

How can you use these essential oils to relieve neuropathic pain?

First of all, remember that you should only use these oils as a supplement to traditional treatment. Given the lack of evidence for their effectiveness, there is a possibility that they do not work in some cases. You can use them in aromatherapy or apply them topically.

To get started, put the oil in the diffuser or a drop in hot water so you can inhale the steam. To apply the oil topically, mix the essential oil with a carrier oil. This can be olive, almond or coconut oil. Approx. 5 drops per spoonful should be enough.

Remember too

You can buy essential oils in health or cosmetics stores. However, when buying them, make sure that you only choose essential oils from approved brands. You should also read the instructions and labels on the products.

Pure essential oils are quite concentrated and can be toxic. Therefore , you should not consume them and you should always use small amounts. When you need to apply them on your skin, you should also combine them with a carrier oil. If you notice an adverse reaction, wash with plenty of water and stop using the oil.

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