7 Exercises To Tone Your Body In 4 Weeks

With these exercises you will burn fat in target areas and tone your body. If you are consistent, you will see results in just two weeks.
7 exercises to tone your body in 4 weeks

If you want to stay in shape and take care of your body as well as possible, you can do it with these simple exercises, you can even do it from your own home. Just follow these super easy steps that will all help you tone your body in just four weeks and completely transform your body.

Plank exercises to tone your body

How do you do it

Planks are an isometric exercise, meaning they are made from a static position. The key to doing the exercise correctly is to keep your body in the optimal position. To do this, keep your back and legs straight and make sure your lower back is not curved.

What does it do?

Woman making the plank

When this exercise is done correctly, it helps to work the muscles in your abdomen, back, buttocks, legs and arms. All this will improve your posture as well as the condition of your muscles.

Strengthen your hips to tone your body

How do you do it:

Put yourself on all fours on the ground. Knit the left leg and left arm out to form a straight line, and take them both in until your left elbow touches your left knee. Repeat on the other side.

What does it do?

This exercise helps to train your torso and your hip muscles. It also helps strengthen your back muscles, your buttocks and your waist.


Woman practicing squats

How do you do it:

Squats are a classic when it comes to exercise. To make them properly, spread your legs apart at about a shoulder width.

While standing like this, start moving slowly downwards as if you were going to sit down in an imaginary chair. Make sure your knees and feet are at the same level and that your back is straight and straight.

It helps keep your arms out in front so you can more easily keep your balance and make your squats as slow as possible.

What do they do?

Squats will help you strengthen your glutes, hips and your calves will get a noticeable workout.


How to make them:

We have all tried to do arm bends at some point, so this exercise should not be too difficult. As you know, you need to be in a plank position with your arms straight and outstretched. Then you lower yourself to the ground as much as possible.

Keep in mind that the key is to keep your back, hips and legs straight, and keep yourself in a line so you return to the original plank position.

What do they do?

Thanks to this exercise you will work your pectoral and arm muscles as well as your abdomen.

Abdominal crunches can help tone your body

Woman doing oblique abdominal crunches

How to make them:

To make may bends, as you know, lie on your back, stretch your arms over your head, and bend your legs up to your knees.

With your arms outstretched, lift yourself at your torso and touch your toes. Little by little, return to the original position and then continue with the same movement. Usually you do abdominal crunches in sets.

What do they do?

Thanks to abdominal bends, you work your torso muscles and in addition you also burn accumulated fat.

Abdominal muscles and buttocks muscles

Woman making the plank - tone your body

How do you do it:

To work with both your abdominal muscles and your buttock muscles, lay your hands and feet on the floor and then keep your back tense.

Then lift your leg as high as possible, and start lifting and lowering your body without lifting your other heel off the ground.

What does it do?

Thanks to this type of abdominal workout, you will be able to work the muscles in your waist, abdomen and your buttocks.


How do you do it:

Training your waistline is one of the keys to having a shapely, beautiful body. For this you will need to put yourself down on the floor with your arms bent or placed under your head.

Then lift your upper body as much as possible, stay in this position for a second and return to the starting position. Repeat this procedure for a few minutes.

What does it do?

Thanks to this exercise you will be able to tone and strengthen the muscles in your spine.

Do not forget that in order for this to be helpful, you need to repeat these exercises for two weeks, each for a period of about two minutes.

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