Bread With Olive Oil: The Perfect Combination

Bread and olive oil taste really good together – which is also why it is probably one of the most popular meals in Southern Europe. Here is a little more information about it as well as some recipes you can try at home.
Bread with olive oil: The perfect combination

Bread with olive oil is the perfect choice for birthdays, gatherings or other events where you want to serve a delicious and slightly exciting snack.

But isn’t that unhealthy? And will guests really like something as simple as bread with olive oil? Does it suit the Nordic taste? Isn’t it safer to just use butter or garlic butter as we usually do?

The questions are many when we Danes have to go out and serve something new. But there is absolutely nothing to worry about.

If you choose a really good quality oil and delicious homemade bread, then it simply can not go wrong.

Bread with olive oil: That’s why it’s the perfect snack

Bread with olive oil is probably the easiest snack you can serve to guests. There are only two ingredients you need to keep track of, there is nothing that needs to be set up neatly and you do not have to struggle with having several different things ready at just the right moment.

All you have to do is bake a loaf of bread in advance (or buy it from the baker) and have the olive oil ready in the cupboard.

You can also make it for yourself in everyday life. As long as you choose wholemeal bread and eat it in moderation, then bread with olive oil can be a nice little snack.

However, it is important that you choose an oil with the description “extra virgin olive oil”, as it is unfortunately allowed in Denmark to refine oils that are only called “virgin”.

Remember that all kinds of oils – including olive oil – are a highly concentrated food that consists almost exclusively of fat. It is therefore important that you eat it in moderation.

However, extra virgin olive oil is slightly better than other types of fats such as butter. Here are some good things about olive oil:

Bread with olive oil is easy to make.

1. Extra virgin olive oil is unrefined

Extra virgin olive oil is healthier than other oils because it is cold pressed and thus not refined. At the same time, it is important that you buy oils in dark glass bottles, as transparent containers let in sunlight, which can damage the quality of the oil.

Remember that all types of cold-pressed oils or butter follow the same logic – the more processed, the healthier.

2. The body needs fat in small amounts

Fat is much reviled in the media.

Of course, many of us get way too much fat through processed cold cuts, sweets and cake, so there are certainly many who need to cut down on fat.

However, that does not mean we should avoid that fat at all. The body needs fat every day to function.

3. It helps in digestion and helps you avoid constipation

Fats provide better digestion. Extra virgin olive oil can be a healthy source of fat that can help you control your digestion as long as you eat it in moderation.

4. Cold pressed oils are healthy because they are unrefined

Remember that virgin olive oil is healthy because it is cold pressed and thus unrefined. Many other oil forms, such as cold-pressed rapeseed oil, have the same properties – but only if they remain unrefined. This means that they lose their good properties if, for example, they are heated on the pan.

Bread with olive oil: Five exciting variations

Bread with olive oil also goes well with other spices, such as parsley and oregano.

Here are five delicious variation options you can try if you also want to serve bread with olive oil for your next party.

Only the imagination sets limits, so feel free to invent more yourself.

1. Bread with olive oil and garlic

  • Toast a piece of rye or oat bread.
  • Crush a clove of garlic and spread it on the bread. Then add a splash of olive oil.

2. Garlic baguette with parsley and olive oil

  • Take a whole loaf.
  • Make several slices along the top, but do not cut them over.
  • Add a little olive oil, garlic and parsley.
  • Toast the bread or bake in the oven for 2 minutes

3. Olive oil, salt and tomato

  • Toast a piece of bread.
  • Cover with thin slices of tomato.
  • Sprinkle with salt and olive oil lightly

4. White pepper and chopped nuts

  • Take a slice of bread.
  • Add a little olive oil.
  • Chop some nuts and sprinkle them over the bowl.
  • Add a little white pepper.
  • Shake it briefly.

5. Oregano and crushed tomatoes

  • Toast a piece of bread.
  • Add a little oregano, some crushed tomatoes and a little olive oil.



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