We Show You How You Can Easily Grow Onions At Home

Onions need soil that is rich in nutrients and fertilizer to be able to grow well. It is recommended to put a good layer of compost under them before planting, whether you are planting them in a pot or in a garden. Stop watering the plants 20 days before harvesting.
We show you how you can easily grow onions at home

There is no doubt that onions are a food that we can not be without in our kitchen. They add flavor to our food and are used in countless dishes and recipes. They also have many properties that are good for our health. Learn how to grow onions at home  in the following article.

Technical data regarding growing onions at home

  • Onions are a plant species that have been used for centuries. They are extremely versatile and good for our bodies. You can plant them either in the garden or in a pot, as long as you follow these rules:
  • Plant them directly in the ground.
  • The planting seasons are spring, summer and winter (not autumn).
  • The growing season for onions is four months, from planting to harvest.
  • If you want to plant them in pots, these must contain at least 3 liters of water, or have a minimum depth of 20 centimeters.
  • If you plant bulbs in the garden, the distance between each plant must be 15 cm, and there must be a distance of 40 cm between the rows.
  • Regarding the type of soil, it is important to know that onions need soil that is rich in nutrients and fertilizer so that they can develop properly. They like soil with peat, silt and a little sand. They do not like soil that is too sandy or that contains clay.
  • The elements that onions take from the soil are potassium and phosphorus but not nitrogen. Therefore, it is advisable to lay a good layer of compost before planting, whether planting in a pot or in the garden.
  • Onions prefer places that are full of sun, especially during the weeks when the bulbs are forming.
You can easily and quickly grow onions at home

Onion life cycle:

Throughout their life cycle, onions need incredibly little water, with the exception of the period when the onion itself is formed. Approx. 20 days before harvest, it may be advisable to stop watering.

  • You can harvest bulbs when the tops of the leaves turn yellow, twist, and fall off. This is when the onion is ripe. To lift the bulbs, you can use a fork to avoid damaging the skin and leave them half-buried for a few days. Next, remove them from their pot or garden and let them dry in the sun for two weeks.
  • It is necessary to keep the bulbs completely free of weeds and to avoid sudden changes in humidity which can damage them.
  • The ideal temperature for bulbs during growth is between 15 and 25 degrees Celsius, and bulbs also grow well with other plants, such as: strawberries, carrots, cucumbers and tomatoes. It is not recommended to plant them together with legumes.

The three planting seasons for bulbs are:

At the end of the summer
If you plant the bulbs in rows, keep each plant well separated from the others. If they are planted in pots, then the seeds should be sprinkled at random. Cover the seeds with 1.5 cm of compost and gently press down.

  • In winter
    If the winter is very cold and snowy, it is recommended to first grow small plants and leave them in the greenhouse, in an indoor patio or inside the house. That way, you will have small bulbs ready to replant for the spring. They are then placed in dry soil and in rows as approx. is the size of the small bulbs.
  • In the spring
    It is recommended to plant in the spring if the following summer gets wet and cold, or if you have no place to store the bulbs. The separation between each plant should be 10 cm and only when they have reached a height of 10 cm. Spring is the best time to plant small bulbs instead of seeds. Make holes at every 15 cm in a row, cover it, and press down hard.

How to grow onions at home in pots

If you do not have the space at home to make a garden, you can experiment with growing onions at home in pots on the balcony, terrace, or in the patio. It’s easier than you think. It does not take a farmer to grow onions at home! Simply prepare the soil well, prepare the place and choose the pots.

The first thing you should do is grab some good organic soil to put in the pots. You can buy it from a nursery (if you do, choose the blackest type as it contains the most fertilizer). You should never use fertilizer, because even though it will make the plant grow faster, it is also harmful to your health. Most people have their own kitchen garden because they want to eat healthier foods without chemicals.

If the soil is dry, “lumpy” or has a very light color, then you can mix it with a manure-enriched soil, which has a good dark black color. Let the nutrients settle for two weeks before planting.


The pot size is important:

The pots should be at least 20 cm deep and 30 cm wide. If you want to plant seeds, you should also leave 15 cm between each hole as they need more space as they grow. If you use small onions, then it is best to prepare them in advance and put them in the pot when they are 10 cm high.

For the first two months, you should water them every other day and leave them in a place with plenty of sun. You can easily grow them after four months. Try to notice daily how the plant grows so you can see what it needs. You can experiment and become an expert eventually.

Are you ready to grow onions at home?

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